Part 2: hopeless

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While Sully went to get Colleen and Brian, Michaela went to check on Katie.


"Hello Andrew. Any news from your professor?" Michaela asked.

"Sadly no, I'm sorry. He said he has never heard of such a case."

"Oh," she replied sounded defeated. "How's Katie?" She asked knowing the answer.

Andrew hesitated not wanting to give her the answer she didn't want to hear. "She still hasn't woken up."

"I see-," she exhaled sharply trying to shake the tenseness of the room. "Well I'm going to go check on her, if thats okay."

"Of course," Andrew gestured toward the stairs.

Michaela stood outside of Katie's recovery room door. She wanted to go inside to be with her daughter but couldn't gather the strength to turn the knob of the door. Truthfully she was scared to see what state her daughter was in.

She counted to 3 and opened the door. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at Katie. This was a child who should be running around outside the homestead. A child who should be playing with her doll Annie.

Michaela walked over to sit on her knees at Katie's bedside. She felt so overcome with emotion she didn't know what to do, so Michaela did the one thing she knew best- being a doctor. She checked Katie's pulse- it was still weak. As much as she tried to fight it, her emotions took over and the tears that filled her eyes finally fell.

"God please- please don't take her away from us." Michaela took Katie's hand and laid her head on the bed.

Sully arrived at the clinic with Colleen and Brian.

"Ma?" Brian called out looking for Michaela.

"She's upstairs with Katie," Andrew replied.

"Thank you," Sully said.

Sully and the children headed upstairs but Sully stopped when he got to the door frame. What he saw devastated him. Seeing his wife so broken hurt him more than anything.

"Take Brian and go downstairs," Sully instructed Colleen.


"Please Colleen. Go!"

Colleen took Brian downstairs and Sully closed the door behind him.

Sully moved toward Michaela and got on his knees beside her. He rubbed her back remaining quiet so that she could speak when she was ready.

She lifted her head off the bed to try and say something but felt if she tried to talk she would have a panic attack.

"I-," she tried to talk in between shaky breaths. "I shou-," her breathing became short and rapid so Sully stopped her.

"Shhhh. Slow down. Take a breath." Sully pulled her into his chest. "It's okay."

When she was able to compose herself enough to talk she lifted her head from his chest.

"This is all my fault Sully. I should have known. I should have seen the signs that Katie-,"

"Hey," Sully lifted her chin and wiped the tears on her face. "You know better than me that this is not your fault. Michaela everything will be alright, Cloud Dancing can heal her with the fruit. I'm scared for Katie too but we gotta be strong for her. She  wouldn't want ya to be sad."

Michaela exhaled realizing Sully was right. "You're right, she wouldn't."

Sully stood up and held his hand out to Michaela. She took it and stood up with him. "Now lets get you home so you can rest and I can pack," Sully picked her chin and kissed the side of her cheek.

Sully and Michaela brought Katie back to the homestead so that Michaela could keep a closer eye on her.

"I feel so helpless. I'm a doctor I should know what's going on with Katie," Michaela said as she helped Sully finish packing in the bedroom.

Sully closed one of his bags, "You've said it yourself before, it's impossible for one person to know everything." Sully paused before speaking again, "you can't keep blaming yourself for something that's not your fault 'Chaela."

"I wish I could come with you Sully."

Sully walked to the side of the bed Michaela was sitting on, "Maybe you oughta go then."

"But Sul-,"

"I know what I said.  I might just have been to stern  But maybe it's best if we go together ,  Andrew will be here if anything happens to Katie."

"Oh Sully....I love you"

"I love you to"

They both leaned into kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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