Part 1 : The sleeping sickness

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"Good morning," Sully rolled over in bed to greet his wife.

"Good morning," she replied.

He lifted Michaela's chin to his and kissed her passionately.

Michaela bit her lip wanting to take it further but she stopped both of them by placing her hand on his chest. "Sully-,"

"Hmm," he said not really paying attention.

"We should probably get Katie up."

"Can't it wait a little longer," he said as he continued to kiss her.

"Sully," she giggled.

"Okay okay I'm going," he gave her one more kiss before getting up.

Michaela smiled then got up to put her robe on when she heard Sully cry out for her from Katie's room.

"Michaela come quick!"

Michaela raced to their daughter's room to find a limp Katie in her husband's arms.

"Oh God, Katie!"

"I found her like this I'm not sure what happened. I couldn't get her to wake up," Sully's voice grew with panic but Michaela tried to remain calm for the both of them.

She checked Katie's pulse. "Oh thank God she's alive, but her pulse is weak. We need to get her to Andrew." Michaela instructed.

Sully stood up with Katie in his arms and followed Michaela out to the barn to get the wagon.

"I've never seen anything like this," Andrew said dumbfounded. "And you said she didn't have any head trauma?"

"No, Katie was with me all day yesterday. She didn't hit her head or nothing," Sully said.

"I'll wire my professor of Neurology. Maybe he and his colleagues have seen something similar to this and can help."

"Thank you Andrew," Michaela gave a weak smile as Andrew left to the telegraph office.

"Maybe we oughta take her to Cloud Dancing," Sully said as he stroked Katie's head.

"Aho," Sully greeted Cloud Dancing.

"Aho. It is good to see you. How have you and your family been?" Cloud Dancing asked.

"That's exactly why I came here to see you." Sully let out a defeated sigh. "It's Katie. Last night she was acting fine and went to bed like normal, but then this morning...I couldn't get her to wake up," Sully said holding back a tear.

From behind him, Michaela put her hand on Sully's shoulder to comfort him. "We already went to Andrew. He said he would wire some of his colleagues to see if they have seen anything like this before. We thought you might know something as well"

"I see," Cloud Dancing pondered. "I have heard of this before. Our people call it the sleeping sickness. There is only one cure I know of. A fruit from Stone Creek . We brew it in a tea and have the ill person drink from it. They usually waken in a few hours after."

"Stone Creek? That's at least a week trip away. It's danger-," Michaela cut him off.

"But Sully- if it's our only chance at saving Katie," Michaela turned him around to face her. "I'm going to get the fruit."

"'Chaela no-."

"Sully I have to...for Katie- for our daughter."

"Then I should go. It's too dangerous for you and 'sides I know the terrain better than anyone."

"Cloud Dancing will be with me. I'll be okay."

"It ain't safe. I trust Cloud Dancing with your life but I can't trust what may be out there...please Michaela- let me go."

A tear rolled down her face as she realized Sully was right. He knew this land and he knew how to face anything it may throw at him. She reluctantly agreed to let him go even though she desperately wanted to follow him.

"I'm gonna go get Brian and Colleen. They should probably know what's going on with Katie." Sully said as he kissed the side of her head.

He could see the anxiety in her but knew she would never tell him how terrified she was of this whole situation.

He tucked some hair behind her ear and placed a hand on her cheek. "It's gonna be alright Michaela. I'll get the fruit for Katie with Cloud Dancing and she'll wake up."

Michaela pulled his hand off her cheek and looked at the ground trying to catch her breath.

"Look at me-," he lifted her chin so her eyes met his. "I love you Michaela. We'll get through this. We always have."

She nodded her head and hugged him tightly. "I love you too Sully."

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