"Well, I know of all the good places to get em... horses are a tough thing to care for if you don't got the space though...," Tennessee said.

"I have an old stable, it's a good size... it's been so empty since Betsy died," I hear that beautiful voice say. I look over at him, and suddenly I have his full attention.

"Ah, you had a horse! I completely forgot... Betsy, that's a cute name... how long has it been since she...?"

"Died... it's been three years... I let go of my garden in general, I just hadn't had the time... I want to make it beautiful again though, maybe get a new horse. I remember one year I rode across the country. It was tough, but such a gorgeous journey," California said. New York made a face like he ate something sour.

"You scared me to death every night you wouldn't call... you even camped out in the wild by yourself! I wanted to hunt you down and bring you home every night...," New York said. However, I barely care about any of the words he's speaking. Because this handsome man had just told me one of the most amazing things I'd ever heard.

"On horseback?! That sounds amazing!" I exclaim. California smiled sheepishly, and it looked like I was the first guy he'd ever told this story to who didn't react like he was insane.

"Yeah, I had New Mexico's horse with me to. I just wanted to get a good perspective on life, and y'know, a journey like that really teaches you a lot about yourself," California said.

"God, I wish I went with you. That sounds incredible... you didn't stop at hotels or nothin?" I ask.

"No, no... though occasionally I stopped in a few towns to eat something other than spam or ramen... of course, to care for the horses too," California said.

"You never struck me as a 'ride across the country with little to no modern comforts' kinda guy! Was it hard?" Tennessee asked. California shook his head, about to speak, but New York drew attention to himself with an exasperated chuckle.

"Hard? I thought he was insane! You know how easily you coulda died?!" New York exclaimed distastefully. I wanted to smack him upside the head. California just smiled daintily, but it was fierce knowing exactly what he was capable of now.

"Cali isn't some sorta precious flower Nuevito, he's the whole thorn bush with the roses," Arizona said proudly. California giggled humbly.

"Oh, I don't know if I could do it again... not alone, at least... Tex, I'm sure you'd like it. It's an adventure fit for a cowboy," California said. I grin.

"All you'd have to do is call, I'd love to do that with you," I say. He smiles at me and...

Well, this one just makes my lungs feel like they caught fire.

I mean, I've seen his smile before, but this...

So genuinely happy, so... so... grateful because we bonded over something...

Oh god... no... not now...

"Texas, are you ok?!" California exclaimed. I stumble to the floor, trying to hold it in...

"Tex, hurry, come with me...," Louisiana said, pulling me to my feet and dragging me towards the family bathrooms. Those are private, so mothers can feed their babies in peace, parents could monitor their less-than-potty trained kids, etc. Now, it's a place for me to conveniently vomit flower petals and blood without anyone seeing that I'm slowly fading away.

Fucking fantastic.

Louis knelt down next to me, just holding me up so I didn't fall over into my own bloody mess. I hear furious knocks in the door...

"Louis!!! Goddammit, let me in!!" California exclaimed.

"Tex isn't feelin good-,"

"Lemme hear it from him! The first symptom of a daterape pill is nausea and I don't trust ANYBODY! So even though you're my friend I want someone in there making sure there's no foul play!" California exclaimed. Louisiana smiled at me.

"Aw, he's a cautious guy. Perfect for a klutz like you," Louisiana slightly teased. I lightly punch him and try to respond.

"I-I'm ok... uh... hey, can you let Tennessee in here?" I ask hoarsely. After a moment of silence, Tennessee creeps in, and lightly gasps.

"Oh shit... oh god, Tex...," Tennessee breaths, closing the door and kneeling down next to me.

"I didn't wanna tell you... but... I think I should start putting' my will together now-,"

Tennessee cries, as I knew he would.

"Oh, it's no fair! Oh Tex, why did this have to happen?! Why you?!" Tennessee cried. Louisiana cleaned up all the petals he could pick out from the clumps of blood.

"Tennessee, keep your mouth shut about this... because Cali falling' for him is his last hope, and... well... pity-love doesn't count," Louisiana said. Tennessee was still just crying. Eventually, Louisiana left the bathroom, and I heard him explain to California and Arizona how I had just thrown up and needed to go home...

I fainted after that, so I don't know what led to this...

But I woke up in the passenger side of California's old red mustang.

"Tex, you up?" I hear him whisper.

"Mhm... what... what happened?" I ask. California sighed, but smiled as slightly as he could manage.

"One of us needed to get you home... I made sure to volunteer- and I know, I know, our friends would never sneak a pill in our drinks... but you still fainted so... I'm just superstitious 'cause... well, it doesn't matter why, I just wanted to make sure you were home safe," California said. I smile, but it's strained... my throat is burning and I can just feel the petals in my throat.

"Thanks...," I say. California smiles, but it quickly fades.

"Tex, Tennessee was... sobbing when he left the bathroom... Louis just looked super focused and... well, I'm sorry, I don't wanna be superstitious... just... do you remember anything?" California asked. I almost want to laugh, but Cali is being so caring I don't have the heart to.

"Please, don't worry about that... Louis is like a brother to me, so I assure you he didn't do anything to me. As for Tennessee... well, he was just worried about me, that's all. I'm just... real sick," I say.

"With what, may I ask?" California asked softly. I try to figure out a way to dodge the question without making him worried... like Louisiana said, pity-love doesn't cut it...

"I... I dunno... I really don't want to worry you... it seems bad now... and I... I'm just takin things day by day... Louisiana is helping me along, that's why he took me away earlier. He knows how to help... well, as best as he can... but don't worry about me, ok?" I say. California nods hesitantly, his face showing concern.

"Ok... I'll still try to hang out with you some more... if you want, you can help me clean out the stable... I'll keep a horse in there for you if you take care of it a few days a week... and you can ride it around whenever, wherever," California said. I smile brightly.

"You mean it? That's such a generous offer! I can pay you-,"

"Oh, none of that... I want a horse anyway, and that stable's gotta be used for something," California said. My lungs tighten once more, but I force my smile to stay.

"Thank you... you have no clue how much that means to me,"

Poppy (SH CalTex)Where stories live. Discover now