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"Y/n you're going to the party right?" Sasha walked carrying shopping bags along with a bouquet of flowers. She sat them down on the desk and plopped down next to you on your bed.

"Huh, what party?"

"The party we've been non stop talking about for the past week. Armin's party. You're going, right? Or are you two still fighting?"

You're mind when blank at the sound of his name. You still haven't told Sasha about what happened, and you weren't planning on it. You were embarrassed; it should've never happened. And he said he liked you? He had a funny way of showing it.

"Ok, what's going on?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Every time I bring him up, you go all dead on me."

"Did Niccolo get those? They're beautiful." You said, pointing to the flowers

"Stay focused. What's up with you and Armin."

"Nothing; he's an ass, and I rather not think about him."

"He's nice, I swear; he's just upset you're smarter than him. He's never had the problem before; it must be nice. You have to get to know him, that's all."

"Oh, I got to know him all right."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Means he's an ass."

"Ok, but you're still going, right? His place is huge, and I don't think we'll run into him; we only saw him for one minute at the last party. Plus, Jean's gonna be there."

"I don't really think I'm into him."

"Huh? But you enjoyed your date, right? Well, before you know who ruined it."

"Yeah, I had a good time; I don't have a problem being friends with him, just not really my type."

"Ok, you're lying. What happened with Armin."

"Sash, I don't know why you keep asking me that."

"You had sex, didn't you."




"Did too!"

"No, I didn't!"

"I can tell by the look on your face it has sex written all over it!"

"It's your fault, okay!"


"Quiet!" You said, slamming your hand over her mouth. "He saw your dumb tumbler page and came onto me. It wasn't my idea, and it was just head, that's all."

"Aww booo."

"No boo, nothing else is happening l. I wanted to do that with someone who treats me half decent."

"M'kay, but he likes you. That counts for something."

"I don't believe him."

"Wait, he told you that?"




"Sahsa! Quiet!"

"You're going to the party whether you like it or not. I'm calling Niccolo; we have a new mission."

"Here we go."

"Ok, so the plan is you walk in super sexy, and then he's gonna be all like damnnnnn, and then boom, sex."

"Sash...you make me want to die."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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