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"So you're telling me you insulted the highest ranking kid at this school."

"I don't give a shit how high ranking he is. He's an asshole."

"That's hard to believe y/n. Everyone loves him."

"Well I'm telling you he's a dickhead."

"Maybe you've got him confused with some other blonde. We're talking about Armin Arlert. He was mean to you?"

"No, I just made up the whole story I've been complaining about for the last fifteen minutes."

"Ok ok, I believe you. He's probably just threatened by you."

"Why? I mind my business and do my work."

"Because your a smarty pants and he doesn't want you to take his valedictorian spot."

"We're literally freshman we have four years."

"Doesn't matter. See Armin's spoiled too he's had help in everything just like me growing up. You on the other hand got in here all by your self babe. He's scared of you."

"Well if he's so worried he should study more. Thats, not my fault he's insecure."

"Can I talk about Niccolo now?"

"Yes you may."


"I don't care Eren!"

"Your mad for no reason. You don't even know the girl."

"Did you just listen to anything I just said."

"You go to the number one school in the country and you expect no one else to be smart?"

"That's not the point."

"Grow up Armin. Stop being an ass she didn't do anything."

"How are you on her side?"

"I'm not on her side I don't even know her!"

"My point is I could've done the e program by myself. Those credits were mine."

"You sound like a spoiled brat right now. It was supposed to be mine! No mommy I want that toy not that one. No I had it first! Please for the love of god- Mikasa's calling me!"

"Whatever. How'd your date go?"

"Good, now shush. Don't you have to get going anyway?"

"Yeah. Not looking forward to this."


"Don't you think charging seventy five an hour is a bit much?"



"Don't say my name like that it stresses me out."


"My time is worth a lot more than seventy five dollars so I'm  doing everyone a favor."

"I can't stand you."

"Then sit."

"Fuck you."

"I bet you would."

"I'm not doing this. You tutor Monday Wednesday Friday. I take Tuesday Thursday and Saturday."

"Fine by me."

"We can meet on Saturdays if we need to discuss anything, other than that we don't have to socialize."




"You post these flyers around. l finish the website."

Out of Your League (Armin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now