The Longing Meatball

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The gooey lava surrounding the charred black floors of the kingdom glowed weaker today, filling the atmosphere with a faint sense of peacefulness. He glared down at his kingdom from all the way up his castle, sighing from the failed attempt at ignoring the emptiness he denied he felt. Bowser never was the type to express his vulnerability, but to his son, it was clear that the way his dad kept acting wasn't right. They used to torment the poor Mushroom Kingdom together, he used to have so much fun along his father. But now... Things are different. Bowser has been neglectful of him, basically leaving the responsibility to Kamek as he was too submerged into his thoughts to do anything but stare blankly at his kingdom.

— Papa! Will we go out today?

— I don't think so Jr. Why don't you go play with your friends instead?

— My... Uh... You know what?! I know you've been feeling down recently and I know exactly why that is!

— Wait... what?! — Bowser said in disbelief, not really knowing how his son could guess or understand what he's been going through lately.

— Yeah! I know you're craving some meatballs right now, I always get like that when I want some!

Bowser sighed with a slight relief. — Uh... Yeah! Exactly... Your papa has been craving meatballs for quite a while now... Yeah that is definitely it...

— Then it's settled! I'm gonna get'cha the best meatballs you've ever had and in no time you'll feel ready to go conquer the Mushroom Kingdom with me once again!

And with that, the young prince dashed out the castle in search for some meatballs. At least that'll keep him entertained, that's what Bowser thought, regretful for not spending enough time with his son. Jr first explored the whole Koopa Kingdom, yet there was no meatballs in sight. He had to resort to enter the Mushroom Kingdom to continue with his expedition. He wandered through dry desserts, icy mountains, pitch black forests... and just when all hope seemed to be lost he could... smell it? It was just a faint scent but he could quickly identify what it was, meatballs!

A tiny house with visible smoke coming out of the chimney was the first thing he saw as he approached the whereabouts of the meatballs. He barged in through the door, scaring the poor little green man inside. His first reaction was to pick up a nearby chair to yeet at the man, who already had fainted just from seeing Jr about to throw it at him. The prince laughed victorious as he went to reach the meatballs, just to gasp at the horrible scenery. They all fell to the ground when he fainted. The meatballs were ruined! And now he had to either search for more or wait until he cooked another batch... Or perhaps he could bring him along... And that's when he decided to kidnap Luigi! He picked up the tiny man and brought him all the way back to his kingdom.

— Papa! PAPA!!! Look what I brought! — Jr said still with as much enthusiasm as he had back when he left the little house.

— Oh? What did yo- OH MY GOD WHAT THE F— Bowser shouted, covering his mouth while completely bamboozled by this tomfoolery.

— I saw him cooking meatballs, but I scared him so bad he dropped them! You had to be there to see it! — Jr said proudly.

— So... You brought him over to cook for us?

— Exactly!

— Okay... But I mean, let's say he doesn't look very alive for that.

— Oh don't you worry about that Papa! — He then proceeded to repeatedly smack Luigi in the face until he finally woke up, somehow, and screamed. — Oh come on, you know us! Don't be so scared!

— W-Why am I here?!? — Luigi asked, cowering in fear.

— You're here to cook the best meatballs in the world for dad!!! Ain't that right papa?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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