The door slammed open with such force that it scared the guards and made the near by painting rattle. With each heavy step he took towards his throne, hit tail slightly swayed as well, making him look more intimidating and powerful. He kept his head straight ahead, never even sparing a glance at Bellflower who was starting to make her way towards him. Once he made it, he dropped his body back onto his throne with silencing thud. He stared down at Bellflower as he ran  his pointed tongue over his sharp teeth as if wondering how he was going to deal with her. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the doors and one by one all the koopa troopas filed out of the throne room until it was just them two.

"I don't even know where to start," Bowser growled out lowly.

"Well, we have to start somewhere," Bellflower responded. She knew she had to explain and talk this out with him to make things okay between them again.

"You're right. Hmm, how about when you used my weakness against me? You know, the one that you assured me that you'll never use on me because, I believe it was you who said this, 'because I care about you', or what that a lie? Or how about you act like we had something good going on then the second your brothers show up, you leave without an explanation? Nothing! Was the time we spent together just bull?! You did say that you were going to convince me to stop kidnapping, so was this just a part of your plan, huh?! Was it?! Have you been playing me, chess player? Huh?" Bowser growled out, with some parts being louder than others. He was clearly angry and frustrated, but under that, he was hurt and confused. Did Bellflower not like being with him? Was she really just using him?

"Bowser, the only reason why I had to use your weakness against you was because I didn't want you, or anyone else, to be hurt by my brothers. They would have just beaten you and taken me back either way, so I figured it would be better for you and me if you didn't get hurt since you didn't need to be. I hated it when I had to do that.  I do care for you, Bowser, a lot. More than you think. I knew I had to go back to the Mushroom Kingdom with my brothers because if I told them I wanted to stay, they would have thought that I had been placed under a spell and taken back by force. I figured it would be best if I went back and then ease them into the idea of me willingly staying here from time to time. It would also paint you in a better light from before," Bellflower reasoned. She knew Bowser was going to be mad about this and wanted to assure him that she was by his side, not against it. This is going to be their first big argument so Bellflower needed to make sure that it was resolved in a healthy manner or else this argument will act as a template for future arguments. Bowser seemed a little more convinced but still not all the way.

"Even though this isn't the time for me to be ordering you around, but I want you to get that idea out of your head, that I'm using you. Yes, I said that I was going to try to get you to stop kidnapping, but that has nothing to do with our relationship. What we have together is real and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that, including the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser, you are very, very, very important to me and now that you're in my life, I can't see it without you. I don't ever want to make you feel like the way you are feeling now, but unfortunately I needed to make tough decisions in order for the future to be better for the both of us. I hope you can understand and I'm very sorry," Bellflower explained as she looked up at Bowser. She was trying to read his face but she couldn't get anything from it, which made her panic. Does he accept her explanation and apology or not? What is he thinking? What is going to happen now?  

Bellflower watched as Boswer descended from the steps that led to his throne and towards her. Instead of backing up or showing any type of emotion, she stood her place and stared straight back at him. Once Bowser was right in front of Bellflower, he just stared at her and looked her up and down.

"Nice dress," Bowser said. This threw Bellflower off as she wasn't expecting a complement. 

"Oh, thanks," Bellflower replied,"I like your hair. Looks nicer than usual,".

"What am I doing?" Boswer groaned as he sat on the ground next to Bellflower. He rested his face in his palms as he began to groan and mumble to himself. 

"...Of course...that makes so much sense...why else would she do that...,".

Bellfower quickly caught on and started to rub his arm. "Hey, hey, hey, It's okay. Don't worry about it. I would have thought the same thing too if I was in your situation," she said consolably.

"No, it's not okay. I let my anger get the best of me and I ended up lashing out on you when you didn't do anything wrong. I should have tried thinking it out more but no, I just had to jump to conclusions. And I yelled at you. I should have never yelled at you. Anyone else but never should I yell at you. I shouldn't have treated you like that. You've been nothing but nice, helpful, and caring towards me," he said as he moved one of his hands from his face so he could look at Bellflower with a heavy guilt over him.  Bellflower felt bad for him. He was only worried and confused. Sure, his short temper may have caused him to over reacted but that was something they can work on together to solve it. 

"Bowser, trust me, I forgive you because I understand what you were going through. We all make mistakes, it's only nature that we're not perfect because we are beings, we are going to make mistakes whether you like it or not. I can get past this situation, but the question is are you going to be able to?" Bellflower asked as she placed her hand on Bowser's cheek. He instantly leaned into it as he began to think. His mouth started to purse and seemed to be trying to mold out a word.

"...I'm s...r..., B..e.....wer," he said quitly and awkwardly, as if he was saying his words from a tin can. Bellflower tilted her head so that her ears were facing Bowser.

"Huh? What?" she asked.

"...I'm sorry, Bellflower," he said as if it left a weird taste in his mouth. Bellflower fixed her posture and smiled at him. She knew that Bowser wasn't one to apologize so hearing him say it made her know that he truly was sorry.

"Yes, I know, and I forgive you," Bellflower answered. As soon as those words left her mouth, Bowser quickly jumped up, changing his whole demener.

"I knew you would say that. After all, I am irresistible," he boasted with a sharp, toothy grin.

And he's back.

 "What ever. I'll let you think what ever you want as long as it helps you sleep at night," Bellflower said with an eye-roll as she began to walk away from Bowser and towards on of the doors that lead out of the throne room. Bowser quickly began to follow her.

" 'You'll let me?' I'm Bowser! I do whatever the hell I want! I don't need anyone's permission and no one can tell me what to do!" he shouted. Bellflower quickly turned her head to side eye Bowser.

"Stop yelling. You're going to give me a headache,"


"I'm starving. Lets go get something to eat," Bellflower suggested. This idea gave Bowser an idea.

"So like another date?" He asked. Bellflower just chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, a date I suppose," she said causing Bowser's tail to start wagging as he walked next to her. Bowser began to tell Bellflower all that has happened in his life since she left. Bellflower missed this, she missed Bowser. His goofy personality under his hard exterior. However, both Boswer and Bellflower had the same thought as they were upholding a steady and strong conversation.

Wait, If we're going on these little 'dates', does that mean that they like me?


word count: 2244

WOW. two updates within the span of three days? that's gotta be some type or record for me. 

IMPORTANT(PLEASE READ): If you see any grammar, spelling, or any mistake in general, PLEASE TELL ME by just commenting on it. If you do you are literally the best and I'll give you a shout out in the upcoming chapters. thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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