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I felt carl turn me so i could face him.

"Dont give up on me...not now...not ever..." he said slowly. I just pushed past him.

I saw it was getting dark. Carl tied a knot on the door.

Rick asked him to help put the couch there.

"Why do we need the couch! I learned how to tie a knot...i learned from Shane...remeber him?" Carl asked irritated.

Rick saw my irritated face. I cant believe carl would bring him ip.

"Yes..i do....everyday i remeber him. I had to though...for your mom...you" he said flopping on the couch. Carl groaned.

"Hey Carl!" Rick and him looked over. I flopped on my chair.

Rick asked me to come over. He then whispered in my ear.

"Say rember dale?" He said. I nodded.

Carl looked irritated.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Remeber Dale?" He sighed and flopped down.

I soon heard ricks muffled chuckles.

I laid down and was drawn into sleep.


Carl And Michone were out on a run. Rick and I were running from tjose people. A horde was coming our way.

I loaded my bow. Rick needed to run. I held them off. When i finally killed them all he was gone.

"Rick!?" I called....nothing...

"RICK! MICHONE! CARL!" Nothing. I decided to walk when i came across a funeral home. As i walked closer i saw a string with cans. I carefully walked over it. Without a sound. I then knocked oj the door.

"Hello. Look i need a place to stay...i wont kill you....i lost 3 group members..." i said. Slowly the door opened. All i saw was blond hair and a yellow shirt. Then a sweet voice.

"I-ive g-got a g-gun" she said shaikly. Wait..

"Beth?" I asked. She creaked the door. Beths face appeared.

"Beth!" I yelled happily.

She hugged me and pulled me in.

"Thankyou..." i said happily.


I was running. The home was over run. I couldnt find them i heard shouts and a car peal put. As i reached the sound i only saw a purse. I ran but never found anyone.

I came across tall walls. I heard wlakers.

"HELLO!" I yelled...desperate of help.

"HELP PLEASE!" No one helped. I started to kill walkers...one by one.

"HELLO!" I yelled as i killed the last one.

"Douches..." i whispered before running away.

I heard hates open.

I turned to see a woman with red hair.

"Welcome to Alexandria"

Save Me (Carl x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ