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We were all standing outside. Rick and i waiting for the givber to give them over.

Govner smiled.

"Give me y/n qnd ill give you them." He said. I sighed. Knowing he wouldnt give. I looked to carl and to daryl.

"Sorry..." i said walking over. Rick tried to stop me but i ducked.

I stood he sent them back.

"Watch this everyone!" He shouted. He brought the gun up to me. I heard a bang. I saw ricl shot him. But a bullet was heading for me.

"Ahh-" i fell backwards. It hit my right eye.

I heard yells. Screams. I couldnt move. I felt someone pick me up and run.

I open my good eye to see Carl. His dad limping behind us.

"Your....dad?" I asled.

"Hes alive. Following us...dont sleep. I cant loose you" he said. I felt my good eye droop.

I felt darkness consume me.


We sat in q house. They had just wrapped .y eye after digging the bullet out. Im so lucky to be alive. I was lucky to be asleep whe they did that cuz that would hurt so bad.

I felt the tape on my eye.

"I cant beluve thus....i cant." Im 14 and have only one eye. Carl is 14 as well btw.

"Your beautiful. Makes you look rough and tough. He said i felt carl rap his arma around my waist.

"Thanks carl..." i said smiling. But i dont wanna live anymore. Like this...this life is pointless. Run hide eat sleep pray you dont die? No thankyou. I dont want it. Not at all.

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