S.2 Chapter 1 [happy life]

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I'm back bitchies.


[Small info/third person POV]

It's been almost a year since the fire and the pizzeria is still in shambles and the animatronics were still 'missing' But in bad there's good. Y/N has gotten some of his life together and his arm is healthy and his getting therapy so his arm can move better. Y/N kept in contact with Amanda making them slowly become friends! Amanda and Y/N would sometimes talk about the pizzaplex but it was never a real focus.. Y/N got a small job at a restaurant for the time being until his original job gets rebuilt (if it ever gets rebuilt). Y/N is also decided to go to college now, his specifically is taking engineering and programming. His life looked like it was getting better though he sometimes catches himself wondering.. what happened to Sun and Moon?..

Y/N Pov




I smashed my alarm clock off as the beeping was getting annoying. I grown and tossed to my back I stared at the ceiling for a while until I heard my phone buzz. I tossed over to my side and picked my phone up from the nightstand. I was annoyed that someone texted me at this time until I saw it was Amanda? I was confused for a minute until I read the text message. It was Amanda reminding me that we have plans to have brunch today and she had very important information to tell me. After I read the message I put my phone down and started stretching and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth which was easier without a broken arm. Once I finished doing regular hygiene I felt a little good today so i decided to dress up a little.

I walked back to my room and started laying out some clothes that might go well together. Then I changed into it surprisingly the outfit fit well and lifted my mood up a little more than usual. I did my hair and grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet then headed out. I walked out of my new apartment I live in thanks to my dad giving me time to save up the money.

Once I finally reached my car I started heading off to the area me and Amanda were going to meet up in. I was driving and I passed the route I would usually take for my old job and wondered what it looks like now and how much people have stolen and graffitied over things even when the place was closed there were rumors about it.. it makes you wonder what happened to the other locations...

I caught myself daydreaming again and snapped out of it.
Once I reached the place I saw Amanda's car and parked next to hers. I got out of my car and walked inside the restaurant once I was in I immediately saw Amanda she changed after the whole incident not just her personality but her looks she was much happier and less stressed then before 'good for her'
I walked over and tapped her shoulder making her jump and turn around her face softened when she saw me and her smile was full of genuine joy.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you could make it! And on time.. the table is ready I just wanted to wait for you-" Amanda said happily as she led me to the table. We both sat down and ordered some drinks and food. Once the waitress left me and Amanda started talking about our lives and on other things but once we got our drinks and food her mood changed to something more serious and concerned. She sighed before talking in a very soft, yet serious tone. "Y/n.. I know it's early and such but this is very important. It's about the pizzaplex." she started gaining my attention. "I know you don't work for the company anymore, but I feel like you need to know. The pizzaplex is dystored and of course that means kids going inside to explore." she paused "and there's been reports of this little girl going in and out of the pizzaplex which isn't a big deal since most people are under contract.. but she's gone missing which is a big problem." Amanda looked at me, her eyes stern. "Y/N. I need you to go inside and get that little girl out. We don't need anymore lawsuits." she said her face looks desperate "please." Amanda said her voice was soft again, I wasn't the type to go explore dangerous places as such because of horror movies but Amanda was a good person and is my friend..

"Fine. I'll go." I said trying to make my voice sound somewhat happy to help, but if I was really honest I didn't want to go to the pizzaplex.. but I already agreed and I can't go back on my word...

[Small time skip]

Once we finished our food and drinks we said goodbye to eachother and went are own ways now I'm driving back home and was thinking about what I just agreed to. I was thinking about the rumors and the day it was destroyed then a memory of Sun and Moon got in my head of when I first worked there.. I didn't even get my pay check because it was my first few days.. yet it was fun besides my arm breaking but overall it was a good job.. I felt myself tearing up and wiped my single tear away and continued driving. Once I got home I decided to work on my homework and practice my coding and such.

[Time skip (⁠●⁠'⁠3⁠)⁠♡⁠(⁠ε⁠'⁠● ]

Once I finished my homework and practicing it was somewhere around the afternoon because I'm slower than a sloth when doing homework.. I didn't know what else to do so I made myself a quick sandwich and decided to do a deep dive on the Fazbear company. I only saw a few videos and articles and most of them were being content deleted whenever I clicked on them besides this one dudes videos who kept on rambling on and on about theories. But let's just skip over those.. I found an article that hasn't been deleted yet and started reading an article about the places and such which didn't give much information.. then it got deleted.. so much for getting information this company is fast with deleting stuff but it was also suspicious..

I sighed as I finished my sandwich and put my laptop in to charge. I then checked the time and saw it was almost 7 and I haven't even made dinner for myself "might as well go change into my pajamas just to be comfy" I Mumbled to myself dressed into pajamas and started cooking dinner for myself. As I cooked I couldn't help but feel lonely.. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a pet.." I Mumbled to myself, I don't know why I talk to myself at times.. gives some form of comfort..

[Time skip b/c I'm a bit lazy]

Once I finished cooking my dinner which wasn't much because I'm almost out of food but anyways I sat down and watched TV while I ate but my mind was still going to Sun and Moon.. my own mind was playing with my emotions and i started tearing up again.. I got up and grabbed my costume made Sun and Moon plushies then sat back down on the couch and started eating again with the small comfort of my plushies with me. I know it wasn't really 'masculine' to have plushies but fuck it. These give me comfort.. I need to fix Moons eyes though it was all loose and looked ready to pop out..

[More time skips because again I'm lazy]

I finished my food and started getting tired but being a responsible person I got up and brushed my teeth and washed up before heading to bed with my plushies in hand. I stared at the ceiling for awhile until I got tired which I usually fight my sleep but today I didn't and heard to bed..

Can't wait until tomorrow.


So Ik I haven't posted/updated anything but school fr has me in a choke hold.

But anyways always remember! To Shine bright because you're a star ✨

Have a lovely day/night/afternoon

-Rabbit Out✌︎

Word Count: 1428

Sun/Moon x male Reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz