"I'm sorry, P."

"You almost killed him, Percy."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Please... Leave." I ripped my arms out of his hold and made my way to the bathroom.

"I'm not leaving. You almost died during your last heat. Let me take care of you." Ryan pleaded.

I could feel the tension in the room from him holding himself back from just taking me. He knew I would freak out if he tried so I appreciated him stopping himself.

"At least let me shower first."


"Because... I've been in here sweating and gross for who knows how long. I doubt I showered after we attacked you so I'm guessing the only reason I don't have blood on me is Derek wiped it off. Just... I need a minute."

"Okay." Ryan held his hands up. "I'm gonna go downstairs, I'll try to find something for you to eat."

My stomach turned at the thought of food and my face screwed up. "Not hungry."

"You aren't now, but after we mate your food aversion should settle enough that you can stomach something small and some water. Okay?"


He nodded and slowly made his way around me. Once he was out of the room and the door was shut, I locked myself in the bathroom and lost it. I turned the shower on, leaving it cold and quickly shed my clothes before sinking to the floor of he shower and letting sobs rack through my body.

"I didn't mean to hurt him or you."

"You still did, Percy. You almost tore his throat out. What happened?"

"I don't know. I can show you."



Percy's POV:

I dragged myself down the stairs and into the kitchen where Ryan was currently cooking something on the stove. He turned when I entered the kitchen. Ryker flashed in his eyes as he caught sight of my own shining instead of Parker's.

"Hi, Percy." He said.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking some food. Are you hungry?"

"No. I'm going for a run." I said.

"No. You're not." He said.

I froze and faced him with a glare. "Excuse me?"

"You already forced Parker's arm to heal quicker than it should have, you're also in heat. You aren't leaving this house."

"You really think you can tell me what to do?" I snapped.

"Hey! I am the Alpha, here. Not you. Don't speak to me that way." His eyes flashed again as Ryker tried to push through.

I gave out a maniacal laugh. "Aww.. that's cute. Need I remind you, I'm an Alpha too?"

"No, you're not. You're an Omega and you copied Derek's Alpha Aura. In case you haven't noticed I am stronger than Derek. My pack is stronger than Derek's. You are not meant to dominate me. You won't."

I felt my anger grow and suddenly attacked. I launched myself at him, scratching the crap out of his arm as he quickly side-stepped my attack. My eyes locked on to his very bloody arm the same time he looked down at it. He slowly backed up and made his way out of the back of the house. I quickly followed.

The Unwanted BondOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant