Love me- 21

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A/N: I'm very sorry for not posting all this time. I've been to the hospital for a couple of days and almost had a surgery because someone gave me evil eye, my family life is crumbling slowly but surely and I still have exams going on 💪🏻😍 I really hope you guys will vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading my book <3 Much love,
- Sx_ml123

{Lucianna POV}

I tightened the buckles of the seat next to Bucky. The avengers plane slowly took off ground and I could feel the knot in my stomach twisting and turning. I've never been a fan of plain rides, ever. I leaned my head against the neck holder and tried to concentrate on my heartbeat that was pounding at an abnormal speed. I quickly opened my eyes and threw a small glance at Bucky who was already looking at me. „Still scared of planes, huh", he mocked with a small smile. „Shut up", I grumbled while closing my eyes again. I could hear him chuckle which I simply ignored.

„What happened with your hair?", I could hear him quietly ask. I opened my eyes and turned to him. „I dyed it", I whispered. He hesitantly  nodded before staring back at the wall in front of us. I looked to my right where Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, sat. He gracefully maneuvered the plane around the shattered buildings of New York. Once in a while small blue hologram-like tabs appeared on the glass letting him know the coordinates, height and other details. Technology like that was always fascinating to see. I could only imagine a Victorian child finding out about all the technology we have now, I bet they would get a heart attack. I heard a little chuckle from the other seats in front of me, so I glanced to where the sound came from.

The other red head, with a black corset and familiar looking red jacket looked at me with a small smile. "I would love to see them get a heart attack over technology that we're so used to", I heard a raspy but feminine voice in my head. My eyebrows furrowed which made her smile more. "Did you- did you just enter my head?", I lightly shook my head in confusion. She just shoulder shrugged and went back to reading  "The 48 Laws of Power". I didn't really know what it was about, but I remember seeing it in Dreykovs office once.

"We're almost here", Clint informed everyone. "Yay", Tony Stark threw up his hands in excitement. Very weird sight. "Is he always like this", I asked Bucky without taking my eyes of the men in a red and golden iron suit. "Yeah, I think it became worse after his suit gave up once and he fell on his head", he pursed his lips while narrowing his eyes. I let out a small chuckle before unbuckling the belt and walking over to my team. I sat down next to Floyd and laid my head against his shoulder. "I don't want to see him", I whispered while closing my eyes, simply enjoying his comforting presence.

„I know", he laid his head on top of mine. I played with the fabric of my gloves— thinking about the whole situation. Once I got thrown into jail I was at peace with knowing I didn't have to fight anymore. I oddly felt safe there, except for when Griggs came or the staff got on my nerves. But besides that, I was doing alright. Now I'm out again... fighting. I unconsciously held my chain between my fingers. With the feeling of a cold stone between my fingers, I slowly but surely fell into a calm sleep, which didn't last more than 10 minutes.

I sat up due to the commotion and noise, my vision was still blurry and I was half conscious. I lightly rubbed my eyes which made me see blue and purple dots dancing in front of my eyes for a few seconds. „What-", I couldn't finish my sentence before the plane stopped moving and the wall/door opened. I could see a grass pasture and the sun shining brightly. „We're home", Clint was the first to walk out. I slowly stood up while glancing at Bucky which also didn't seem to know where we were. Harley skipped after Natasha— I could immediately hear her gasp. „Lulu come out and see this!", she sounded excited.

I patted Floyd on the shoulder and together we went out. Immediately we were hit with the smell of nature and the sun beaming on our mostly covered skin. I could feel the grass dip slightly as I took a couple of steps on the ground. I looked up at the clear blue sky and closed my eyes enjoying the calm environment. Once I opened them I saw a big house in a "country-side home" style. Next to the big house was a middle sized barn with big doors that needed a bit of repainting. All in all the sight was beautiful. The smell of soil and flowers hit my nose once I got near the house.

Before we could reach the house a loud commotion came from inside. Tightening the grip I had on my gun, I was ready to fight whoever opened that door. I could see Diabolo, who walked next to me stiffen up. I swear I could have seen a little flame in his eyes, but it was probably just me being dehydrated. The steps from inside came closer and I already put my finger on the sleek trigger. Once the door opened two little kids came running out. I almost had to laugh, seeing how everyone else relaxed in unison. „You guys scared us", Clinton laughed.

„Sorry dad", the little girl giggled. „We missed you", a boy around the age of 9 hugged his dad tightly. „I missed you guys too", he lifted both the children and carried them to the house. Stunned, I didn't move an inch. I could feel a sting in my heart, seeing how happy the kids looked. How gentle Barton lifted them up. I shook off my thoughts and moved closer to the big white front porch. The porch was decorated with beautiful and colorful flowers, chairs and a small table. Natasha was the first to enter the home, the rest of the avengers followed her lead.

„You okay, princess", Boomerang nudged my side. I turned my head to look at his semi worried face. I gave him a small smile and patted his back in appreciation. „Let's just get this over with".

The red demon || suicide squad x avengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora