A walk into the forest- 19

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I didn't proof read so let me know if there are any mistakes

{3rd Person POV}

„How are you?", Rick asked her with a caring voice. She couldn't gather the energy to talk so Lucianna softly shook her head while continuing to walk to their next destination. „You know that we wouldn't let you die, right", the girls face told stories of mental exhaustions and sleepless nights yet she showed him a little smile. „You got a pretty necklace", he pointed at the dangling jewelry that was so dear to her. Without looking she unclasped her necklace and gave it to him.

Rick checked her face to see any kind of annoyance or other negative emotion until he opened the golden locket, a small smile on his face. His heart warmed at the picture of young Lucianna and Natasha smiling brightly with huge boxes of Christmas presents around them, both of them wore matching festive pajamas. What caught his attention the most was the hair of the women that walked next to him. Her black hair went a little bit past her shoulder, a long white strand on her left side made her even more unique and beautiful.

Now he knew why she zoned out before their departure in front of her box. The man couldn't wrap his head around the pain she must went through, finding out her sister was now what they despised but needed the most. The red room fascinated him since he started fighting against underground organizations, top secret stuff. They always seemed to be not one step ahead, but ten. They knew where their enemy was going to be, when they're going to show up, how they are going to attack, they knew everything.

Watching first hand how much an infamous red room widow can fall apart was not a great feeling for the soldier, something in him wanted to help her despite her being more dangerous than a poisonuns snake. She was more faster, more stronger and more smarter than anyone he has ever heard of. But that's what sparked the excitement in him, knowing she could easily bite him; leaving him to die.

He shook his head and held her arm. Lucianna stopped in her tracks and looked at him waiting for him to say something but he remained silent. He went behind her, moving her loose braid to the side and clasped the necklace back on her neck— his cold fingers leaving goosebumps on her soft skin. She quietly gasped at the intimate contact and cleared her throat. „Uhm, we should get going", she fastened her pace leaving the amused man behind her.

„You and the soldier, huh", Harley giggled at her side looking back to the soldier that seemed to be lost in his thoughts. A light rosy tint crept onto her bare face and that was all the confirmation Harley needed to jump excitedly on her spot. „And what about Deadshot. Y'all are like, I don't know-", she thought about a fitting term. „Y'all are like soulmates". Never had she thought someone could feel her pain like Deadshot did. The moment they met they immediately clicked. All the flirting was purely platonic and she knew Floyd felt the same way.

Both women kept walking along with the crew and the soldiers. Lucianna mentally prayed, she prayed that their plan would work. She wasn't ready meeting Natasha so soon— but life loves throwing things at you when you're least prepared to catch them. It took them half an hour until they came to a halt. She was walking next to Diabolo, weirdly his aura felt comforting and warm. He kept glancing at the silent women and every time his fingers twitched. It was like they wanted to feel her energy and magic— she was able to perfectly control her powers even in stressful situations. „How do you do that?", his question was nothing more than a whisper.

„Do what?", her voice sounded strained and tired. She needed water. „I am a ticking bomb. You tick me off and I explode. How can you control your gift?", everyone came to a halt and so did both of the meta humans. „They're supposed to be here in 10 minutes", GQ let everyone know. Lucianna and Chato leaned against a damaged car as she started to explain. „I was born with my gifts. When I was little, like 3 years old The red room took me in and they ran tests. Not everyone can be a black widow. Your DNA has to either be altered or naturally be different to physically and mentally endure the pressure and torture they put you through", she explained as he listened intently.

„It was when I was 16 I had my worst outburst. They strapped me down on a metal chair. They've just created a kind of electroconvulsive therapy machine that supressed my memories. They did that with Hydra, another authoritarian-subversive paramilitary terrorist organization run by the red skull and then Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. They created that torture method. It's like two metal bars with electronic chords all around it pressing against your face", she demonstrated it by pressing the inside of her hands against her cheeks. „It was so firm that you had no way to get out of it. It felt like a hundred knifes were slicing your brain, pulling out every memory that doesn't benefit the academy or hydra", she seemed to zone out while talking about her past. She didn't realize that everyone was listening to her, even Natasha.

No one dared interrupting her except for a low and husky voice that eventually snapped her out of her trance. „They used it after every mission. It was even worse when you remembered something from your past, wasn't it Number 03?", the woman looked up at the mention of her „inmate number". The tall men didn't change a little bit, his hair was still long and his eyes tried to hold no emotion looking at the once short girl with the white hair strand. „Ich hab nicht mitgezählt, aber es waren bestimmt 6 male weil du dich jedesmal an Steve erinnert hast" („I didn't count but it must've been around 6 times because you kept on remembering Steve"). „Und du hast dich drei mal an Natasha wieder erinnert" („And you remembered Natasha around 3 times"), said women cleared her throat. „Nice to see you again, Ciana".

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