Chapter 4 - England

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The girls bounded out of the car and joyfully skipped down the airstrip, bags in hand and smiles on their faces for not only was it Annabella's first race but also the first race Sienna would cover as a sports reporter. Excitedly, the girls boarded the company's private jet. Annabella admired the plane, cream seats stood on either side of the plane; four seats surrounding each of the four tables on the plane. Annabella and Sienna found Tricia, already seated at one of the tables, scrolling on one of the four tablets at the table. Tricia's red rimmed glasses stood perched on her small button nose and her small green eyes hid behind the lenses of her glasses. Yet, what seemed to perfect her oval shaped face was her red lips against her pale skin and her rosy, high cheekbones. 

"Good morning," Sienna and Annabella chirped

Tricia looked up from her tablet with a vibrant smile on her face and greeted the girls and standing up, she hugged Sienna and then Annabella whom she said, "And you must be the best friend who I've heard so much about."

Sienna smiled and happily embraced Tricia before both sat, Annabella, beside Sienna who had sat and occupied herself with a tablet while Tricia and Annabella met. The girls sat together and for the next two hours and five minutes, the girls laughed, chatted and worked(well the work was on Sienna's and Tricia's behalf).


Two hours and five minutes later

When the girls touched down in England and skipped out of the plane, laughing, they found a car already waiting to take them to the hotel. After confirming with the driver, the got into the car and set out to the hotel and as they made their way there, they laughed and chatted like they did on the plane, just moments before they had landed. As the city flashed by and morphed into the peaceful town that was Northampton, they made plans to go for lunch at a pizzeria they had seen. Annabella smiled and realized that for the first time an almost two weeks she was not entirely worried about what would  

The girls cheerfully hopped out of the car and waltzed into the lobby only to be greeted with a mob of paparazzi. The instant flashes of light from the camera sent Annabella into a trance and she nervously looked at Sienna who nodded understandingly and immediately grabbed her hand. A year ago, she had been diagnosed with social anxiety so while Sienna would go to college parties, Annabella preferred to stay in their shared college dorm and read.  Sienna and Annabella looked at each other. As the trio weaved their way through the crowd, Annabella's hazel eyes projected only panic while Sienna's was worry. Sienna's face held compassions and she mouthed a heartful "We'll be through soon. Don't worry, it won't be like this all weekend" before reaching to the cause of the chaos. The panic left Annabella's eyes and adoration filed in as it did. A girl with silky, brunette hair, ocean blue eyes and the most perfect hourglass body stood at the center of it all. Her honey skin, peach, plump lips and well sculpted cheekbones gave her godly appearance and it surely captivated Annabella. However, this didn't go unnoticed by Sienna and Tricia who both looked at each other and silently chuckled, knowing how much Annabella would enjoy her weekend. 


When the girls finally made it to reception and got their keys, they headed to their room with the plan of meeting back outside their rooms, since they were situated opposite each other, to go for lunch before going to the circuit. Annabella walked into the room she shared with Sienna and immediately flopped onto the bed, the jetlag from the previous day finally catching up to her.

Sienna chuckled, "Come on, we only have five minutes."

Annabella groaned in response, got up and pulled out a short white dress patterned with tiny blue flowers and bishop sleeves, starting just on the shoulder and paired it with a low pair of black slingback heels. However, Sienna went for a long black and white striped dress with Marie sleeves and some loafers. The second they were both dressed, they rushed through the door and found Tricia already waiting and on her phone. Tricia chuckled and tapped her watch to point out that instead of five minutes, they had taken ten. The girls shared a laugh and began their walk to the pizzeria they had spotted earlier. The moment they arrived and had been seated, Jen, their waitress took their order for a Margherita pizza and red wine. Not long after, their food and drinks was brought over and the trio had what seemed to be the best hour of their lives before their chauffeur returned to pick them up and take them to the race.

Annabella admired the way the buildings stood tall as though their only goal in life was to touch the sky. She loved the way the city rushed by as the driver meticulously maneuvered around the cars, trying to get the girls to the track on time for P3 and Qualis. As they got closer to the circuit, Tricia handed Sienna and Annabella paddock passes, Ferrari hospitality passes and Ferrari jackets.

"Well, as you see we're in Ferrari hospitality today and we need to look like it," Tricia highlighted.

"We're hoping to represent Ferrari next season so we have to meet with the drivers and their social media liaisons  this weekend," Sienna explained.

Annabella nodded, "If you need help I'm always here and I don't start work until next month."

"Thank you, Annabella," Tricia accepted.

Sienna looked at Tricia with a slight smirk and the older of the two reciprocated it. On another hand, Annabella received it with a confused look but didn't think much of it, going against her usual speculative attitude.

Little did she know she was in for the adventure of a lifetime.

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