"You are too babe, I remember first reading about you. I wanted to be like you. You're smart and everything I aspired to be." She says.

"And now?" I ask.

"And now I'm satisfied with just being your girlfriend. You've taught me so much about myself in these last few months. You've shown me how smart I am. You gave me a chance at a better life. You showed me a lot about love, I'd never forget that. You might not be my very first love but you've been the strongest, most positive, beneficial and meaningful love I could've ever thought to ask for." She finished her last coil.

She hands me her scarf and bonnet and I tie it on."You've been many firsts for me, my love. You've been my first real love. You've shown me something so genuine, and so pure. I thank Bast everyday that I have someone like you by my side. Someone to call home. I thank Bast that you're the light that was brought into my life after so much darkness. At first I thought you were just a golden hour, that our love would come and go. I've learned that your my golden eternity. I'll forever be grateful for you." When I'm done with my spiel I'm putting her bonnet on.

When she's done, she gets up and stands in between my legs. I'm sitting on the bed looking up at her, she grabs both of my hands while her face is soaked in tears.

"Shuri you've invaded my everyday life, my every thought, my every breath. You've taught me so much and I can't thank you enough. I've been through so much this year. You've been through so much in one lifetime. I'm glad we've been able to help each other grow. I fought so hard for us to be together because I knew that night on the beach, when I asked to hug you. I knew we were meant to be in each others lives. Even if it meant we only spent a short time together. I knew you were going to change my life forever. You're perfect, honest and noble. Thank you for showing me so much in such a short period of time. I know we can only grow from here." She finished.

I wipe her face. She leans down to kiss me.

"We've got our wedding vows" I joked.

She laughed and fell into my arms.

*back to the battle*

My love for her only grew for her that night. I hope we have more of those. I hope I can make it to apologize for the damage I've done. Hopefully it's fixable.

The water rises high and Namor and five of his soldiers appear. His face changes when he sees the Dora.

"There here for extra protection, settle down." I assure.

"Well then, is everything ready for the exchange?" He looks over at Tyler.

Her breath picks up "I'm ready.". She steps up.

I grab her hand. "Allow me to say a few things before she leaves." I pull her back.

"Hurry, she won't be gone forever." Namor speaks.

"Princess, thank you for everything. I'll love you until my last breath. When I stab him you'll run. Do you hear me?" I cry.

"I'll love you too, forever and always. Yes, I hear you." She puts her forehead to mine.

We let each other go and face Namor. "I see you've brought my vibranium. I hope it'll be enough for what I need. It looks rather small."

"It's small but it's enough." I respond to him.

I reach to hand it to him then go to stab him. "Princess, run. Don't look back." I scream.

I see Tyler doing as told for once. Thank you princess. That means the world to me.

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