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Today's the day I leave, my mom and Chyna came to see me yesterday but had to leave this morning, I spent as much time with them as possible. My mom bought me a camera to take pictures of EVERYTHING. She wants to live vicariously through me.

My Uber is on the way to get me from the dorm and take me to the airport. One of my friends help me take my things to the car. Everyone hugged me and I said my goodbyes. By the time I knew it I was in the Uber with my headphones in listening to my music.

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Wakanda is beautiful, I've only seen what was in the route to get here to the AirBnb but I love it nonetheless. Classes won't start for a few days, I have two tour guides Lisa and Chris, I'm suppose to be meeting up with them within the hour. They'll show me around for a few hours. The flight over here was long and drawn out I'm worn and I need a nap.

Gmail: The Queen of Wakanda invites you to her Advance Technology Course.
I don't even open the email yet and I am beyond excited, no way. There was a one in a million chance I got picked. I'm so happy to be studying under her highness. She's incredibly smart and talented, if it's any black woman I aspire to be like when I grow up, it's her. Even though she's only a year or two older than me. I just know there is so much she can teach me.

Before I know it I'm off into my dream.

"You must stay here princess, you mustn't leave my lab. It's not safe" The black panther says to me.

"I need to go with you to make sure you're okay. I need to know you're safe babe, I need to know that you'll come back to me. I don't know if I can do this without you." I say.

She takes a pair of Kimoyo beads off the desk to the right of her. "Here, these will keep you in contact with me. You'll be able to see my life status and whatever else you wish." She takes off her mask and kisses me gently, passionately as if I'll never see her again. "I must go my princess."

Hours go by and I am left pacing around the room. "Miss Tyler, I'm afraid her highness has fallen." Griot says.

"What do you mean, check again." I say as I go to look at her status through the Kimoyo beads. There's nothing.

"What does this mean?" I ask Griot

"Im afraid she's gone Miss Tyler."

A scream ripples through me that I've never heard before.

When I wake up I'm in a cold sweat. What was that. The Queen? A Lab? That was just all too real. I hear pounding at the door then look at the time, it's four. I was suppose to be ready to go on the tour. I jump up and do as much damage control as possible.

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"My Queen, the American just got back from a tour of the city, we will take her into our custody tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you General. Tomorrow then."

I finish up on the updates for my suite. I set up a desk for the American girl, after all she might be here to help me.

I want to do something, I prepare for a day at the beach.

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