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I started to walk back to the palace but I just needed to walk and get my head together. Sometimes she doesn't listen and it makes me so angry. The nature here in Wakanda is a sight to see. I wonder why we didn't explore the woods. I've been in my head for quite a while. All of this is pointless, if no one has discovered Talokan all this time what makes him think they'll start now. Why won't Shuri just let me go do this one little favor. I'm sure he won't kill me, it's not beneficial.

That dream was so real. What if it actually happens. I don't know what I'd do if I lost Shuri.

I've been wondering aimlessly for so long and it's dark now, I don't know where I am and my phones dead. I try to find my way back. It takes hours but I don't mind. I make my way to the palace finally, I hope Shuri is done soon. I don't like sleeping here alone. On my way back to the room I'm almost tackled in a hug.

"Thank you Bast, thank you times a million." Shuri says in relief. "Are you okay, I'm glad you're not hurt. Where the hell were you?" She yells.

"I went for a walk." I respond.

"You've been gone for six hours, assuming you even came to the palace. I told you to come straight here. We thought Namor had taken you." She says.

"I'm sorry, I thought you'd be in your lab for a while I didn't know I'd be hurting anyone." I confess.

She embraces me into a hug again. "It's okay now, you're home."

After we notify everyone of my whereabouts I get chewed out by a few folks and I can finally bathe. I'm covered in the stench of the woods. When I'm done I lay in bed with Shuri. I smile at her. I love little moments like these.

"Why are you smiling, are you glad you no longer stink." She laughs.

"You're always trying me, if you weren't the black panther I'd probably beat your ass." I laugh along.

"To be fair you smell heavenly now." She lays on top of me and places her face into the crook of my neck and wrap her arms around me. "I didn't get to tell you the good news."

"What is it?" I put my legs around her waist and rub her head.

"I was able to successfully recreate the plant using the dna of the philodendron." She admits.

"Hmm, I know someone who made that suggestion. I'm glad you're one step closer to making your weapon." I say.

"No Princess, we're one step closer to making our weapon." She says sleepily. "We never got to finish our talk earlier"

"Okay, what else did you want to say?" I asked.

"I want you to be my girlfriend princess." I can feel the vibration from her words on my neck.

"I thought that was what the little exchange was earlier, you've been my girlfriend since we exchanged I love you's" I chuckle.

"I love you Princess." She says sleepily.

"I love you too Shuri." I close my eyes.

Before long she was asleep and I followed right behind her.

——《 ☆ ♕ ✧◦♚◦✧ ☆ ♕ 》——
It's been a month since Tyler and I have made ourselves official. She's leaving soon to go to Michigan. I wanted to go with her but M'Baku hasn't approved my travel yet.

We're in our monthly tribal meeting and I am secretly hoping he approves it before we disband.

"And what of the mole who's been feeding Namor information?" I ask.

I had really given the last interaction with Namor some thought. The only way he could've gotten through is with the help of someone on the inside.

"No leads on that yet, we will drag them out and punish them." A Dora says.

"Okay if there are no other concerns, this meeting is dismissed." I dismiss everyone.

M'Baku walks over to the throne. "I have given some thought about your trip with Miss Basset. I will allow you to go but only for three days time, you will also take a Dora of your choosing and take a Wakandan air craft. Any objections you can stay here while your girlfriend goes to America to party." He smiles.

"Who said anything about partying?" I mirror his smile.

"The American holiday Halloween is tomorrow, all the college kids do is party. I know things too young one." He sets his hand on my head. "Have fun and stay safe." He walks out of the throne room.

I smile and make my way to Tyler's house. My bags are already packed I just have to give her the good news.

"My beautiful, beautiful princess, how are you feeling this morning?" I plant a kiss on her lips when she opens the door.

"Good but I'd feel a lot better if my girlfriend was leaving with me in a few hours." She says.

She closes the door and leads me up to her room. "We both will be leaving in a Wakandan space craft at three today." I sit on her bed.

"Oh my god, you got approved to leave. I'm so excited love, we have so many parties lined up tomorrow and you get to meet Chyna this is going to be great I promise." She all but jumps up and down.

"I'm happy you're happy. I don't have to dress up or anything right?" I ask.

"Of course, we can worry about that later though." She says.

"Well I'm all packed and ready to go, Okoye will be accompanying us as well." I say.

"At the parties too?" She stops all action.

"That was one of M'Bakus rules or else I'd be sitting here thinking about you, waiting for you to come home." I say.

"I guess." She says.

I help her finish up her packing then we head out to the states.

A/N: This was really a filler, the next one will be as well. I promise it'll all be worth it. Sorry if I scared some of you with Tyler disappearing, I thought it would be funny to scare my best friend and my little sister. 😂 Sorry for any errors and thank you again for all the support.🤎

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