2|Therapist Visits

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"You don't remember anything?"

"No. It's all fuzzy."

You stated. You sat nervously across from the therapist. The woman held her hands in front of her, a clipboard in her palms. Her brown hair laid against her nape in a short cut. You felt like you were being watched for some reason. You looked around and rubbed your neck.

"Hmm... that's interesting, well how's your new life going then?"

"... well ah... I don't really like my new name.... And I've just been inside really..."

"How about the agent? Angel yeah? He's helping you out isn't he?"

"Ah yes... he mainly stays in his room but.. he's been cooking meals and- making sure I eat."

"I-I think I'm starting to forget... a lot..."

"A lot? Things like what?"

"Like... what day it is... when to eat... where certain rooms or things are."

"Hmm? Your body isn't telling you that you're hungry?"

"I-it does... but I... I ignore it."

"I-I um... mostly sleep through the days... Angel has to wake me up and make me eat most of the time."

"Hmm..." She hummed and wrote something down. You looked up at the fluorescent humming light above. Almost getting stuck on it before the woman snapped her fingers causing you to look back at her. "Do you know how long it's been since you've been in the witness protection program?" The brunette asked.

"It's been a week since I've moved right?"

"Correct. This is our first meeting." She praised with a smile now looking upwards. "I'm glad Angel is helping you out, how do you feel about him?"

"Feel about who...?"


"Oh... well he's... nice."

"He doesn't bother me much expect when I forget to eat and sleep all day."

"But yes.. he's nice."

"Well I'm happy he's helping you! Does he talk to you at all?"

"Yes sometimes but... I... I don't answer most of the time."


"I... I don't know much about him.... I think.... I think I'm scared? I don't know why....he stays in his room but.. he's been cooking meals and- making sure I eat."

"You already told me that..."

"Oh.... Did I?" You asked feeling in a light daze. Your head spun softly and you laid back into the couch feeling quite warm and soft. The woman looked concerned now snapping her fingers lightly to get you to focus. You blinked lifting your head up and simply stared looking at her with a blank face; you were completely numb.

"How are you feeling if you don't mind?"


"I don't know..."

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