Snow day 𓆉 NM

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⸻ Words: 5792 ⸻


It's the last day of school today and I can finally get the hell out of here. I didn't saw my girlfriend for about 2 months now and I'm so excited to finally see her again. It's winter break and we can be together for some weeks. I really hope it'll snow the next few days, I love seeing those little white crystals. I already packed my stuff, actually I already packed everything a week ago, way to excited for going out here. I dressed myself, getting ready and left for the last 3 lessons for this year. Draco was picking me up, because before we attempt class we have breakfast.

"Excited to see mother again?" He smirks. Draco knows from the beginning of our relationship and supported us no matter what. Lucius was sent to Azkaban a year ago and because I saved Draco's life in the war Narcissa and I got really close with each other, that's how it started. "You have no idea how much I just want to lay in her arms and sneaking her warmth" I say, thinking about that feeling, smiling for myself. "You really love her" he says, "I do, but why?" "After almost 3 months you only want to lay in her arms, normally people say, that they want sex or something. You didn't" he explains.

I thought a second, "I could live without sex for the rest of my life if I just can be with her" I say truthfully and look into his eyes. He smiles brightly, kiss my forehead and whispers, "you are perfect for her. I really wish you'll be together for the rest of your life" "me too" I whisper back and we sit down on the table. We ate, attempt to our lessons, had lunch, another lesson and finally it was time to go. I couldn't concentrate the whole day because I only thought about being in Cissy's arms, feeling her lips against mine. I picked up Dray from his dorm, already impatient for him to hurry the fuck up. "Calm down" he giggles. "I can't, get your arse up and hurry!" I snarled playfully.

He rolled his eyes and we get towards the train station. Everyone already knows about me and Narcissa, so if she is waiting there I can hugged her so damn tightly, kissing her. We sit in a empty apartment and soon Harry, Ron and Mione get in. Dray and Harry are together since 3 months and Ron and Mione are also a couple. They snuggle together, making me jealous, angry and annoyed. "Come on!" I whined. They laughed at me, "I hate you, have some pity on me" I glared at them, but they don't stopped. "I'm sorry Y/N, you choose Narcissa" "this lady chooses me first" I huff. "You never told us she was the first who catch feelings" "she did" I smile, remembering back to the moment she told me she had feelings for me.

"Tell us the story" Ron says. "I stayed after the war over the holidays and we spent a lot of time together because she didn't had women there often. Dray was mostly busy the whole day, spending it sleeping or with friends. I didn't mind tho, I only wanted to get away from school. We found great similarities and one day we had a little picnic in her garden. You can't imagine how beautiful it is! Anyways, we made pie together and ate it. I saw how often she was looking at me from the corner of my eye and as I turned around she was every time looking away fastly. One time she didn't and with her finger she get some pie out of my face, that was btw the moment I fall in love, the electricity was.. merlin I never felt that before. She was avoiding looking into my eyes for days and this specific moment she didn't. Her eyes are almost like a story of their own, hypnotizing. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours and out of nowhere she kissed me and whispers that she likes me. Ever since we are together"

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