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Northstarboys Pov:

Everyone is just enjoying having the day off of doing anything, and after what happen yesterday it seems like Tyler didn't expected a thing of weirdness of them, so everyone was ether getting ready going to the gym, doing tiktok, getting Boba, going to the mall, or still sleeping In there room or the livingroom couch.


Sebastian Pov: ughh I'm bored, maybe I should go see what Ryan is doing, since A. I just want to see his handsome prince face, and B. I wanna see if he wanna cuddle or something since we haven't did that in a while.

So I was walking to his room and just walked in without knocking, I know that Ryan doesn't like it when someone just barge into his room, but I was too impatient to just wait for him to tell me to come in if I knocked, so I just walked in.

Ryan- BRO, have u heard of knocking.

He turned around to see seb, and that's when he started to calm his nerves and his face started to come calm and soft when he saw seb, so he looked at him.

Ryan- Are u gonna talk or just stand?

Seb- Umm.

Ryan- You are here for?

Seb- I just wanted to see if-

Ryan- If what?

Seb- I wanted to see if u wanted to cuddle, but I know it sounds weird and stupid and I can clearly see that u are busy so I will just walk out, and sorry for just barging in.

I was heading for the door to walk out, since I had closed the door after me when I walked in here, before getting yelled at by Ryan, clear to see that my eyes were started to water.

Ryan- Seb.

I turned my head around and looked back at Ryan to see what he wanted to say, but the unexpected happen, he kissed me.

Ryan's Pov:  I was just getting ready to stream with the stars until someone just barged into my room, and yk me I don't like it when someone just barge in and not knock instead, like can I just get me some privacy, well me being mad right now, I just yelled at whoever it is until I turned my head to see seb, I immediately calmed by self and suddenly became soft when I saw seb.

I ask him what he wanted in here, since I don't know if justin send him in here to give him something I guess, but whatever at first he looked like he wanted to say something until he atop speaking so I asked him again, and that's when he just blurted everything abt how he wanna cuddle with me, at first I was shocked since the last time we cuddle was when before the whole drama thing with Darren and everything, but know we aren't even barely talking or being around eo more.

So before I can give seb a answer he just walked to the door again, but before u notice that he was walking back to the door he looked like he was abt to cry, and that's the worst thing I want to see of seb, I don't wanna see seb crying unless it's soemthing I did very good to make him cry of joy, but no it look like he was crying of being yelled at, and I didn't want to cause any more drama then there always, so I called his name and just did the unthinkable when he turned around and that's when I just kissed him.


Justin Pov:  Okay I'm getting fucking bored on that couch, and plus the house has been quiet so much, I'm wondering where is darren since his sus ass was suppose to be making all the noise, so I started to look around for him, I checked the kitchen, Dinner room, basement, outside, regies and Oliver's room, he's and seb room, I even didn't find seb in there, so I just was abt to walk to my room thinking he better not be in my room.

So as I walking towards me and Ryan's share room, I was abt to Knock on the door until I heard kissing sound, and I was thinking oh shit is that Darren and Ryan, and I then I decide to take a quick peak and quietly open the door a bit, and saw SEB AND RYAN fucking on my bed like what the hell, why couldn't they do it on his bed like I don't want my shit dirty.

But seb and ryan fucking, is like I knew this was going to happen eventually and soon, ewww seb is even moaning I don't wanna hear that shit, so I just closed the door again and walked away from the door and walked downstairs to see Oliver, Kane, Regie, and Darren in the kitchen putting away some groceries for the house.

Darren- oh hey Justin, u good.

Oliver- U look like u just seen something horrible.

Regie- Cuh?

Justin- Whatever yall do don't go into Ryan and my room!

Oliver- Why did something happen?

Justin- Trust me just don't go!


Heyyy I know this is short.

But I thought should I post it and let it be short? Or post it now and let it be short or let that person wait until tmr for the whole thing.

So I just post it, since my Phone is going dead!

But I'll update tmr cya

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