Realize° {Sebryann} 😗

990 12 14

Justin pov: After last week of what happen at the gym with Ryan and seb, I can tell something was off and that I sense that them too had drifted away and became more distant, even if we eat dinner seb would always eat fast and try to make excuses that he needs to edit a video of the nsb to just not be seen by Ryan making him no both of them having that sad feeling in their.

So now I was on my way walking to me and Ryan's room since we are roommates, and lately I've been noticing that Ryan doesn't really sleep at night, it's like he was thinking of something, so now that's why I'm walking to our room to talk about that.

I knocked on me and Ryan's room door, once I heard a come in I walked in to see him on twitch live talking with some of the stars and playing games for them I guess.

Ryan- Oh..hey Justin.

Justin- Ryan, can we talk.

Ryan- Talk abt what.

Justin- yk.

Ryan- oh, hold on stars ima go mute for a bit.

He then turned his mic off and camera off, turning his head back to Justin.

Ryan- so..what's up.

Justin- I wanna talk abt you and seb.

Ryan- What do you mean.

Justin- Ever since last week, you guys became distant and not even me even Oliver has notice that seb is acting weird.


Justin- What I'm saying is that, what happen when yall ran somewhere because seb told us that he was gonna apologize for yelling at you and that he planned to take you guys somewhere to talk it out.

Ryan- we talked.

Justin- About.

Ryan- He told me he was sorry for yelling once I asked him what were he thinking about in the gym, and when we ran I asked why were we here in the alleyway and he-.

Justin- He what? I'm listening.

Ryan- He umm, he confessed that he has feelings for me, and I was shock and i didn't know what to say or do so I just told him I needed time to think about everything, but don't get me wrong seb is a good guy and quite cute too but I just don't know about that if I'm gay or..

Justin- You just don't know.

Ryan- Exactly.

Justin- Well I know it's hard for you guys, but yall need to talk yall is literally hurting ur self by this, Ryan I've been seeing lately that ur not sleeping and that's bad.

Ryan- I know but I promise I will talk to him again.

Justin- Please do, I can't see you guys like this and Oliver can't stand the sight to see his brother crying in his room every night.

Ryan- What? .

Justin- Oliver has been checking on seb for the past few weeks, one night when he walked into his room, he saw seb crying and sobbing that he couldn't even breathe properly.

Ryan- This is all my fault.

Justin- No it not, it's not your fault or seb's fault, you guys just need to talk this whole situation out please.

Ryan- Thanks for telling me this justin.

Justin- No problem, and darren told me to tell you that dinner would be ready Ina few.

Ryan- K, cyaa.

Justin- Cya.


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