5. Last day with Daddy

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6 days later
September 27th, 2017

Within the Arnett apartment it was a nice cool morning, everything was peaceful and calm. The household was calm and quiet for the time being. The only awake being within the small home was the father.

Robbie laid in bed with his child sleeping next to him peacefully. Robbie couldn't help but realize he wouldn't be able to see his baby boy for 3 months after the day is over. The father placed his hand over his son's smaller hand and smiled. He remembered the first month when he brought his son home, all he could remember was that it was all a pain, but he pushed through it.


November 28th, 2012

Robbie was panicking as he held his crying son. The young man didn't know what to do, all he could ever do was bottle feed him and change his diapers to make the crying go away. But this certain time he couldn't do that.

"Come on jay... sleep... it's dada... shhhh.. shhhh... you're ok bud..." Robbie tried cooing as he tried to rock his son. But all the baby did was cry harder which made the father panic even more. Robbie felt his anxiety rise within him, so he quickly grabbed his phone and dialed his mother. As the phone was ringing Robbie tried to coo at his baby to make it all stop. "Hello?- oh my..." Robbie heard his mother over the phone. "Mom... I need help. Please he won't stop crying and I'm panicking. I tried everything..." Robbie said as his voice slightly started to shake a bit. "Okay Rob. Breathe for me. Calm down." His mother told him over the phone. "Panicking won't do any good. Just calm down. You're just making James cry more. He can feel the stress in the air." She spoke through the phone.

Robbie quickly switched everything around before he soon started to now calm down with his crying child in his arms. "Good. Now I want you to try something. Do you have your shirt off?" His mother asked. Robbie scrunched his face all confused "no. Why?" He asked as he still tried rocking his son. "Take it off, take James' clothes off too. Try skin to skin contact. It works all the time. It worked with you and your sisters." She said before she chuckled a bit. "Ok ok. I'll try that. I'll call you if it doesn't work." Robbie stated. "Okay. Well good luck. If you need me still, I'm still here along with your sisters." She stated. "Ok bye bye." Robbie stated before he hung up. "Okay. Let's get you out of these hot jammies..." Robbie spoke to himself as he soon walked to his child's nursery to go ahead to get him out of his onesie.

Once Robbie got his son out of his pajamas, Robbie quickly took his shirt off and soon picked his son up and held him close. Once he did that, he noticed how his child was now calming down. The new father did an amazed chuckle before he soon sat back and relaxed in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. "That's it James... close those tired little eyes for dada..." Robbie cooed out as he rocked in the rocking chair. The baby boy was quick to close his eyes and soon fell asleep all comfortable within his father's grasp.

The father smiled tiredly at his baby boy; he soon caressed his sons tear stain cheek. "Son... my son..." he sang softly as he rocked them back and forth in the rocking chair. The baby let out a soft coo as he heard his father's singing voice. Robbie couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "The weight is unique..." he went on singing again. As he sang, he noticed how the baby nuzzled into his chest and soon fell into a deep slumber. Robbie couldn't help but stare at his child, the way the boys small baby curls where forming, the slight dimples in his cheeks along with the rosy cheeks. To him his son was perfect even though he was handling everything alone, he found the smaller things perfect.

End of flashback

Robbie smiled at the memory before he soon looked over at the time which read "8:59am." The father soon looked back at the boy who seemingly and quickly pushed his thumb in his mouth. The father rolled his eyes before he took the boys thumb out and started to go ahead and wake him up. "Jamie..." he cooed out. The boy scrunched his face up slightly but was still asleep. Robbie placed his hand over his son's stomach and soon rubbed it in circles. "Come on Blu Jay... wake up for daddy. Let's get some breakfast monkey." He cooed out. Jamie took a while to wake up, but he soon woke up and just did a whine. "D-daddy... sweepy..." he whined out as he looked at his father who just smiled at him.

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