Start from the beginning

No one could deny that kings landing loved Delia Targaryen. Every Sunday the targaryen girl would come down to the poor side of kings landing and would spoil them with food, stories and clothes. Anything she could provide them.

She had a soft spot for those who cried of poor. Delia did have some second thoughts of touching those who shed an unknown disease, those who stinked of excreta, but who is she to deny them for her love.

Rhaenyra and Alicent hooks their arms together before skipping out the carriage and into the castle quarters where other walked among themselves.

Many stopped walking when princesses Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Delia walked by them, but not a second after a woman stopped in front of Delia a young boy around the age of 18 collides body with Delia. Rhaenyra turns around when she heard Delia loud gasp.

Delia and Rhaenyra notices the little targaryen dress was soaken wet. "I'm sorry, princess." The young lad bends on his knees, places his hand together and bow down to her. Delia stops her guards from getting a hold on the boy. She walks closer to him and puts her index finger under his chin and makes him look up to her.

"You may rise." Delia says, before backing up and neatly places her hands behind her back. "What's your name, sir?"

"Dagan, your princess." The boy nods again making Delia smile.

"You may go without me sister." Delia looks at Rhaenyra and Alicent. She than looks back at Dagan. "I see no harm here to come."

Rhaenyra nods before grabbing Alicent hand and kept walking. Ser Harrold ordered four kings guard to stay with Delia while the others followed Rhaenyra.

"What was spilled on me, Dagan?" Delia asks the boy while softly grabbing the bucket away from his grasp. "It smells light wine." Delia chuckles a little.

"It was wine. My father asked me to go fetch some from the shop down the town. He's making a special dinner for him and my mother." Dagan explains. Delia listened carefully.

"That sounds ravishing. Please let me escort you back to the city and gather more wine. It's my treat." Delia offers. It's the only thing she can offer now considering she has nothing with her but her coins to spend.

"Really? You would buy me some more wine?" Dagan couldn't believe his ears. The kings daughter offering to buy wine for him and his family.

"Yes. That's at least what I can do. I spilled your wine and wasted your money." Delia stops herself from talking and realized a great idea. "Change of plans Dagan. Follow me." Delia, Dagan, and the guards made their way through the castle. They passed many halls, stairs and rooms to get to their destination. The kitchen.

Delia opens the door and walks through the kitchen with her head up high. The cooks stop and bowed to Delia. Dagan kept her pace as they made their way through another set of doors till a row of buckets came to their view.

"What's this?"

"This, Dagan, is rolls of buckets filled with the finest wines of King's Landing." Delia makes her way to Dagan and snap her fingers. The guards walk up to the bucket and place two of them in a wagon. "You may have two. Consider it a gift for ruining this ugly horrible dress I've been dying to get rid of." Delia and Dagan laugh.

"Thank you, Princess. I don't know how I can repay you back. This- this is-"

"Gently, Dagan." Delia places her right hand on his shoulder and smiles. Dagan was in awe of the princess beauty. The way her silver hair swayed with the wind blowing from outside to inside. Her dimples deepening by her wide smile. Her blue, violet eyes glimpsing with comfort and joy. "You don't have to repay me. It's a gift from me."

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