xli. sirius the stupid

Start from the beginning

"We're here!" Professor Sikander announced, getting up. "Let's go. Hurry kids."

Raya grabbed her backpack with all of her snacks, marching past Kayse to head inside. Professor Sikander paid for their tickets, sending them all inside. Raya shoved a large slushie in her bag, keeping it safe with a small security charm, hoping to stick in Snape's closet at some point.

Raya sat in her seat, Elias and Thomas on her right as they waited for the movie to start. Her phone buzzed, signaling a text.

Raya opened it to see a message from Cedric. He had been brought down for the wand weighing and was a little nervous. Raya sent him a reassuring text, along with a photo of the theater. He responded with a thanks, letting her know that the other champions had arrived.

Professor Sikander stood up, addressing the students, "As you all know, we were scheduled to watch this movie later in the year. However, due to all of your excellent test marks, we'll be watching it today. For this movie, try to focus on the dialogue, the way it's all worded. How is it similar to the way you speak? How is it different? And enjoy the movie!"

Raya focused her attention on the screen, where the opening credits began to roll. The first part of the movie was so amazing, she couldn't wait for the second part. The moment the actual movie began, she was a goner.

Her eyes were glued on the screen, barely blinking for nearly three hours as she drank in every small detail of the screen. 

The narration, the plot, and holy Gods, the graphics — they were Raya's favorite. She'd watched many movies before, but the graphics of this movie series always left her speechless. The way they showed the different images, the visions, the scenery. The actors' portrayal of each and every event just made it all come together.

The class oohed and aahed at the different plot twists, the way the characters handled the betrayals.

A few kids cried when the main character's best friend died — Raya included.

As they all clambered back onto the bus, Raya was already waiting for seventh year.

"Dragons!" a voice hissed in Raya's ear.

She jumped to the side, falling into Thomas, who in turn crashed into the wall.

Raya and Thomas were on Prefect duty, walking the halls after curfew to make sure no one else was out and about. They'd just finished their rounds, heading back to Ravenclaw Tower now.

"What the fuck was that?" Thomas muttered, groaning as he rubbed his head.

Raya was still looking around, one hand on the sword charm on her necklace, the other keeping Thomas back.

"It's Harry," the voice tried again, a little calmer.

Raya blinked.

The voice was Harry. Somehow, he was invisible — the invisibility cloak! she remembered.

"Must've been a rat," she muttered, helping Thomas up. "You were saying?"

"I wasn't saying anything," Thomas tilted his head, continuing towards Ravenclaw Tower.

She didn't bother telling him she wasn't talking to him.

"The first task is dragons," Harry whispered in her ear. "We've got to get past them. And I've got to talk to Sirius right now. Can you head over to Gryffindor Tower."

Raya nodded her head as best as she could without Thomas noticing.

"I'm heading over now," Harry said. "Meet me there soon."

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