Chapter 1 (Six years later)

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"Diasia! Hurry up girl!" yells my best friend Kaci Richards.

"Give me a sec!" I call as I apply my mascara. I smooth out my foundation. "Hey Kaci, can you come help me with my eyeshadow?"

I hear her groan as she comes up the stairs. "Ok." She gets my blackish eyeshadow and applies it thoroughly. She steps back to admire it. "Gosh your gorgeous!"

"You always tell me that," I say, packing up my makeup. "It doesn't change the fact that I still don't have a boyfriend."

"You and Mason will soon hit it off and then you guys will be official!" Kaci says cheerfully. "That's what happened with Jake and I."

"Yeah, well I'm not you." I grab my keys. "Love you Mom!"

"Love you Diasia!" Mom calls.

As we get into my jeep, Kaci blasts country music. "Come on! Country music always cheers you up!"

She is right. Since I was born in Texas, country music is my life and soul. She plays "Friends In Low Places" by Garth Brooks, my favorite classic country song.

I sing along to it as we pull out of the driveway.

Kaci smiles. "So, do you think you'd be able to go to the movies tonight?"

I shrug as I pull into the school's parking lot. "I have to ask my mom."

We head into the building to our lockers when I see Mason Robins coming towards me.

I sigh stupidly. I admire his blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiles at Kaci as he comes over to us. "Hey Diasia."

"Hey Mason," I reply, getting my books for my first period out of my locker. Mason and Kaci are in my homeroom.

"Hey, Toby and some of the other guys are throwing a party this Friday night. You going?" He cocks his head and smiles. "It'd be really awesome if you came."

Ok pause. I know what you're thinking. Mason likes me! News flash, no, he doesn't. We're just good friends. I hope he will ask me out though.

I gulp down my happiness. "Uh, sure! I just gotta ask my mom, that's all..."

Mason grins and squeezes my shoulder. "Great!"

Then, he leaves.

And the bell rings.

Happily Ever Never: A High School DramaWhere stories live. Discover now