Chapter One

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The evening before her Mother arrived, Aelora could hardly sit still.

Meraxes, unsettled by her vastly fluctuating emotions, had taken to the skies. Meraxes normally stayed far off the coast of the city, as she knew when to return on her own. All Aelora had to do was will it, and she would come home to her. But with Aelora anxiously awaiting her family's arrival, she could not contain herself, and in turn, Meraxes was on edge too. She wanted to be close to her rider, ready to aid if needed. She loomed over the city like a blanket of snow, her silver scales shining like a beacon in the clouds.

As beautiful as Meraxes is, there was no doubting her threatening demeanor. So close to the shores, and clearly upset, she was not a welcome sight to see for the inhabitants of the city.

Aelora paced through the courtyard, finally deciding to make herself useful and walk to the training yard.

The hour was late, although not so late that her being out would alarm any of the guards or servants if they saw her. They might think it a bit odd, but they were used to Aelora exploring on her own after meals. She was never idle, always needing to be doing something.

Aelora supposed it was because she was so often busy at home on Dragonstone, either keeping her Mother company, or looking after her brothers. In King's Landing, there wasn't as much she enjoyed doing that would keep her well occupied.

Walking seemed to soothe her enough.

Just as Aelora turned the corner to the stairs heading down to the training yard, Aegon came up the other way, practically knocking her over. Aelora startled, but steadied herself, catching Aegon by his wrists so he wouldn't topple over.

"You missed dinner," she informed, letting him go when she was at least partially confident he wouldn't fall over. "You smell like a tavern floor."

Aegon groaned, covering his eyes as if the light was too much for him. Aelora raised a brow, turning her head to see that the sun had already set behind the castle wall, and there was no light he needed to be shielding himself from. He was apparently oblivious to this fact.

"Yes, I think I was briefly acquainted with one a short time ago."

She rolled her eyes, scrunching her nose as he stepped closer to her. "Flea Bottom?"

"You know me so well."

"I have the unfortunate pleasure of doing so, yes."

Aegon wiped his hand down his face, rubbing his eyes. "Well, this has been a lovely little chat. If you'll excuse me, My Lady, I have somewhere to be."

"Does that somewhere perhaps involve greeting your wife and children before the day is over?"

He scoffed, chuckling. "I was thinking more along the lines of greeting my bed."

Aelora sighed, shaking her head. She smiled sweetly at him. "I hope you wake with a dreadful headache. I'd quite enjoy seeing you suffer for the morning."

She quickly passed him, not waiting for his response, although she could hear a colorful choice of words in the distance. She grinned to herself as she descended the stairs that led to the training yard, bunching up the bottom of her skirts.

"I knew you'd come here," she heard, quickly turning to see Aemond sitting on the ledge overlooking the city. "Although, you're not quite dressed for training, are you?"

She smiled, walking across the yard to stand beside him. He offered her a hand to brace herself as she hopped up on the wall, stretching his leg out to keep her from leaning too far. She gladly took it, settling herself opposite of him, resting her arm on his leg.

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