part 13

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Felix's original plan was to leave his dorm early as run to the store, just to get some snacks for the three of them

It was still early, early enough for him to buy all that he wanted from the store but he had other plans

He knew Seungmin and Chan were still in their shared dorm, he knew just by telling the time that they hadn't left the dorm building

Tears continued to pour out if his eyes as he made it to their front door, stopping right infront of it as he knocked a couple times

He bit his lips, cursing under his breath as he taste blood that leaked from his bitten lip

It was just a few seconds that he waited there, his head remains low as he heard the door open

"You're here really early" Chan sighed, rubbing his eyes as he stood to the side

"You ok Felix?" He asked, looking down at the male

Felix fiddled with his fingers as he looked up at the male, his tears only multiplying as his eyes locked with Chan's

He threw himself on Chan, wrapping his arms around him as he buried his face in his chest

He let out loud sobs as hi breathing spiraled out of control, leaving wet stains on Chan's white top

"Shit, what happened?" Chan asked, wrapping his arms around Felix's as he rubbed comforting circles on his back

Felix words were replaced by loud cries, occasionally choking on his tears as his chest rised and dipped out of control

Chan picked the male up and pushed the door shut with his foot, sighing as he made his way to his and Seungmin's bedroom

He sighed in relief as he opened the door and saw that Seungmin was infact awake now

Seungmin was at a loss for words as Chan placed the crying male down on his bed

He crawler out of his own and headed to the two, sitting on the edge of the mattress right next to Chan

"What hardened?" Seungmin whispered, gently laying his hand on Felix's arm as he rubbed it and comforted him

"I don't know. I just opened the door and he all of a sudden hugged me and cried loud as fuck" Chan replied, standing back up as he grabbed his water bottle from their shared nightstand

He gently say Felix up and screwed.the lid off of the water bottle, handing the bottle to Felix as he said "drink up"

Felix, still in terrible tears, took the bottle with shaky hand and gulped it all down

He handed the bottle back to Chan as tears continued to roll down his cheeks

"Felix, can you tell us what's wrong?" Seungmin asked, holding one of Felix's hands in his own

Felix felt his head pound as he bit his lip once again, wincing in pain as his tooth sunk into the wound he had already made

"Felix, tell us what happened" Chan said, holding onto Felix's hand tight

Felix took a deep breath as he head hung  low, catching tears in his hands as he watched them shake

"Hyunjin...h-he and I got into a-an arguement...a few m-minutes ago" Felix's said, his face starting to heat up once again as his teats stained hsi cheeks

"What was it about?" Seungmin asked, tucking hanging stands of his hair behind his ear

"Us hanging out...he said i-it was an ass move"

"Why would he say that?" Chan asked right after

"We h-had plans before I agreed to us hanging o-out together"

"As much as I appreciate you sharing this with us, this isn't the full reason. You wouldn't be crying like this over that even if you tend to take small things to heart. Tell us everything" Chan spoke

Felix was contemplating as to if he should tell them the truth and the full truth

Was it worth it? Telling them everything that was going through his mind? Sharing it with someone that isn't Hyunjin, the person he shares the most with

He had no choice. As much as he wanted to keep Hyunjin out of trouble, he couldn't hold back his own emotions and thoughts

He had to be selfish for once and this was the right moment

"I fucking hate Hwang Hyunjin"

Wow, who knew it would change that fast? Was it not just a few chapters ago that he said he fucking loves Hwang Hyunjin? Oh how the days go by

"I fucking hate him and his ugly spots. I hate him and his ugly long hair. God, I fucking hate him!

But I don't! I'm in love with Hwang Hyunjin! I want him to be mine! I want to kiss him! I want to love him! I want to cuddle with him! I want to he his boyfriend!



Felix was cut short by his tears taking advantage, leaving only the sound of his sobs to fill the room

"Why...why must I w-work so hard for him to l-love me?" Felix cried, burying hus face into his palms

"Why can't I just...why can't I just b-be Karina?" He asked once again, hus throat running dry as his eyes took all the moisture

"He wouldn't tell Karina to kill herself, would he? Then why would he say that to me?"

Chan was caught by surprised but so was Seungmin

"He said what?" Chan asked, slowly become furious

Shit, I shouldn't have spoken

"It was probably just in the heat of the moment, don't get mad at hi—" Felix was cut off by Chan

"Felix...tell me what Hyunjin said to you" Chan demanded, his gaze turning cold which frigjtened both Felix and Seungmin

Felix sure was in for an emotional ride. But only the negative emotions

Minutes had passed of the male retelling the arguement and breaking down in between, every minutes angered Chan even more

"If you'll excuse me" Chan said, grabbing his phone as he exited the room

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he dialed his friend's number

He held hsi phone to his ear as he impatiently waited for tne male to pick up


"Minho, I'm going to need your help...well...Felix will need your help"

"With what?"

"I need you to have a Hyunjin"

"W-What did he do this time?"

"He became a reason Felix might just attempt suicide once again"

"Shit...tell me what happened"


Was it the right choice to have Minho do this??

This story is going as planned and I'm so happy at that. Also, I might just become a full time angst and smut writer

Lief vir jou ♡

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