Something Strange

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I awoke with a throbbing pain in my skull. I opened one eye, the other was shut do to the sting of the blood, or ink. I lifted my head to quickly and the pain was unbearable. "Gah...-" I groaned, trying to move my hands. Chained. I tried to move my legs. Asleep. "Where...where am I?" I asked out loud. No one responded. I flicked my tail, or what I could flick of it. "Well...." I mutter. "This is inconvenient." I began to struggle again. The clattering of chains echoed around the room. "Ugh! C'mon!" I exhaled, tired now from the struggle. A crackling was heard and I looked up. Reopening my eyes I was greeted, without warning, by a Bendy cut-out mask. "GAH!" I said, forgetting I was chained. A pain shot through my arm. I must have pulled something.

"Now, now." The masked person said. His voice sent shivers down my spine. I didn't like this guy. I narrowed my eyes. I could feel ink dribbling down the left side of my face. Shit! I said, franticly lashing from side to side. I didn't want to turn rouge! I kicked my legs. Nothing. The chains wouldn't budge. "Stop. Moving." The guy snarled. I froze. In my frantic lashing I had forgotten he was there. "W-who are you?" I said, my voice quivering. "Who am I? I thought you, being a Ink Demon, would know who I am!" He exclaimed, unable to keep the shock out of his voice. "Nope. No idea who you are." I said, smiling childishly. My smile vanished as he slammed his fist next to my head. "Watch you tone. I will have your head.." He growled, leaning over me. I kept quiet. I tensed as he was seeming to inspect me. "What are you?" He asked me. "What do you mean?" I responded, blinking my one good eye at the moment.  "I'm a Ink Demon, just like you said." I muttered. "But how are you alive?" I looked up at him, raising a brow. "I was sealed behind a wall." I snapped, earring a axe slamming by my head. "AYO!" I yelped, caught off guard. "Watch it! I'd like to keep my head!" Sammy closed in, to close to my face then I liked. "Watch your tone." He sneered, eyeing me through the crack in his mask. The room began to shake violently, then stopped when the inked-man looked up. "He is here." I blinked, confused. "Who...?" I was left unanswered.

Sammy left, slamming the door behind him. "Testing, testing." I heard the speakers buzz on. Huh? What was going to happen? I looked around, the room starting to rumble. Lifting my one seeing eye, I saw the door creaking open. "Arise, Bendy. Lord of the dark puddles!" Sammy's voice crackled through the speakers, rising to and bumbling around the room. "Oh, shit..." I began to struggle again. Lashing back and forth. The restraints that had kept me held down snapped free. I fell forwards, holding my wrist. Realizing that I was in possible danger I whipped my face. Spitting out the ink that was salty in my mouth. "Take this precious sheep. I beg you, set me free!" Sammy's voice echoed. The room fell deathly silent. Suddenly, an annoyed roar was splitting the heavy due. "Gah! No! Stay back!" Sammys shrill wail was recorded off the speakers. "How many times have I told you NOT to summon me!" That was Bendy's voice. I bolted. NOT wanting to meet the 'lord' of the Ink Demon. I questioned that tag, shaking the thoughts as I skidded to a stop in front of a large pool of ink. You began to back away, but something was bubbling up. "What the shit-..." I said, staring. Suddenly, the Ink Demon himself was flung out of the pool. Lashing a clawed-hand at you. "Who DARES...-" Bendy stared at me, mouth open. I locked gazes, or what I thought was a stare, and bolted. "H-hey, wait!" I heard his call, but it was the last thing I thought of. Barreling down the empty hall, I busted though a door. Slamming it shut, I backed up into the room. My  head spun. It pounded. I whirled around, seeing visions flash before my eyes. I clenched my jaw as the images became to vivid. I was left staring at the open door. The Ink Demon Bendy staring at me with the most stunned expression. My heart stunned and I felt the heartbeat in my head. In the my throat. Feeling weak I fell into the damn arms of Bendy, who had lurched forward to catch me. Staring up at him, I noticed he had one eye uncovered. He wasn't rogue? Well then. Maybe I could ask him for help. Without any notice I had sunk into darkness once again. I fell limp, allowing the larger demon to lift me up and carry me back to a place only he knows. 

Get me, Doll (Bendy x Ink!Demon!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora