Part 31 - Together

Start from the beginning

Ari grumbled a quick response of agreement, and you couldn't help wondering what had brought all this on. Why Ari was suddenly so determined to have nothing to do with Marlon.

"Good." Manu says with a quick nod, then turns to you. "You could join us, if you want, Y/n. Could do you good after what happened at the 360."

"Really?" you wonder aloud, slightly surprised at Manu's sudden offer despite you not even being on the team. "Sure, okay." you nod, sparing a quick glance at Ari who's expression is slightly cold and unreadable.

"Right, I'll see you guys later, at the pool." Manu says.

"The pool?" you question, and Manu just shrugs in response.

"You'll see." he replies cryptically, and turns back to his work as you and Ari head out the building.

"What was all that about?" you ask him.

Ari sighs, leaning his shoulder against the wall. "I just don't want to do this with your brother."

"I thought you and Mars were cool now? It's not a big deal. Besides, if you wanted Manu to help more maybe you should have told him about your anxiety properly, Ari."

"What do you mean? I did."

"Sure you did." you say sarcastically. "If you did he would have talked to your parents by now. You know what Summer said she'd do if you didn't tell anyone." you warn.

"That's why she's not going to find out." he says, in a playfully threatening way, as if this wasn't his health you're discussing.


"Please, Y/n. Just give this thing with Manu a go, and then after, if i'm still not...cured, or whatever, I promise, you can tell my parents." he pleads, even going as far as to clasp his hands together in a begging style.

"Fine." you give in, to which Ari smiles.

"Thanks, Y/n." he says, relieved and begins to step away.

"Hang on, we're not done yet." you grab his sleeve and pull him back. "Why don't you want to do this with Marlon?"

"It's...hard to explain."

"Then try. Or maybe I could just go and talk to your parent right now..." you say, pulling out your phone and waving it in his face.

"Alright! Alright, well I just don't want him to know about...this."

"Your anxiety? Ari you can say it."

"I know, I know...I just don't want Marlon to know about it."

"Cos it makes you look weak? Or less like a man?" you say sarcastically with a small laugh. "I know Marlon can be a bit...overbearing, but-"

"It's not just about that! I don't want him to think it was his fault anymore than he already does." he trails off slightly at the end, becoming quieter and not meeting your eyes. "He told me that the reason he told you guys not to come visit me in hospital was because he blamed himself, and he thought you would blame him too."

"Wait, what?" you say incredulously - you'd never heard about this before, and as much as you believe what Ari is saying, it doesn't...sound like Marlon. Most of the time, the Marlon you know is mean, self-centred and selfish, only wanting what's best for himself - a perfect example being how he wants you to move with him to Anchor Cove. But what Ari's sounds like a completely different person.

"I just don't want him to know that my accident is still affecting me. And I don't blame him, of course I don't, but I know that he will."

"I get it." you say quietly. All of a sudden, you feel like you really need to talk to Marlon.

"Well," Ari says, clearing his throat. "we have a bit of time to kill before we have to go to the pool. You need any help?" he walks over to the bucket of rash vests and picks up the hose, spraying you with water as you jump out the way.

"Ari!" you laugh, running forward and grabbing the hose to get your revenge, but you feel yourself being dragged down as you trip over the pipe. A strong pair of hands grab you as you fall, and before you know it you and Ari are on the ground, a tangle of limbs as you try to contain your laughter.

"What the hell?" you hear Poppy's voice, and look up to see your friend and her beginner group looking down as you and Ari scramble to get up from the ground. "What's going on?" she asks, her tone icy and slightly...angry.

"Oh, sorry we were the rash vests." you reply.

"Well, here's some more." she throws down another ten and takes the group inside without a word.

"What was that about?" Ari asks as you both stare after your friend.

"I have no idea."

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