The Amazon

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"We're almost there right?" Tiago says as the group flies off a boat one morning.

"We gotta be getting close." Alexis says.

"Hey guys! Guys! Wait up." Blu shouts.

"Come on Blu." Rafael says.

"Remember. Birds of a... Never mind." Blu says as the group continues flying.


"You have reached your destination." Blu's GPS says as the group stops.

"You see? It like a charm. Here we are." Blu says as the group looks around the jungle.

"Uh...where?" Carla asks.

"Blu are you sure that thing is right?" Alexis asks.

"Oh these things have a margin of error." Blu says.

"I told you not to trust that woman." Jewel says.

"Hey kids. Stay close." Blu says as the kids wander off.

"I'll go get them." Alexis says as she flies after the kids only to get grabbed by a bird and flown to the others as the group then sees other birds much to the others displeasure.

"I can't believe we found them!" Jewel says happily as the group realizes it is the spinx macaws that Tulio and Linda were looking for.

"Well technically they found us." Bia says.

"There's so many of them." Alexis says happily.

"Okay we're gonna need some name tags." Blu says as a bird tries to eat his mints only to immediately spit the box out as it is caught by another bird.

"What is this doing here? What's going on?" The bird asks angrily.

"We found them flying too close to the humans." A bird says.

"What? And who are you?" The bird asks as it goes over to Blu.

"Uh..." Blu says nervously.

"Uh is not an appropriate answer. I asked you a question. Where did you come from?" The bird asks as Blu backs away in fear.

"Hey! Back off!" Blu says as she goes toward the bird angrily as Alexis stands in front of the kids protectively.

"Hey excuse me young lady. It's-" The bird then stops talking as he and Jewel look at each other.

"I can't believe it." Jewel says.

" is this...?" The bird asks.

"When the loggers came there was fire and so much smoke. And, and..." Jewel says.

"I had you under my wing and...and then you were..." The bird says.

"Gone." Jewel says.

"I've looked everywhere for you." The bird says.

"I'm here. Daddy!" Jewel says as she and the bird hug happily.

"Daddy?" Blu asks.

"It's okay Dad. I...I wasn't alone. Blu found me. I've also found an adopted sister in Alexis." Jewel says as she gestures to Alexis and Blu.

"Hello." Alexis says nervously.

"Sure is nice to meet you sir." Blu says nervously as he extends his wing to the bird.

"Tuck that wing away Stu. You brought my Jewel back to me. I thank you. I'm going to hug you now." The bird says as he hugs Blu.

"Ow..okay. There we are. My pleasure." Blu says.

"Oh kids!" Alexis says as the kids rush past her and over to Jewel.

"Mom are you okay?" Bia asks.

"Mom? I'm a grandpa? I'm a grandpa. Look at me. I'm a grandpa!" The bird shouts happily.

"Daddy this is Carla, Bia and Tiago. And Alexis is their aunt. Everyone this is my father Eduardo." Jewel says.

"Hello again." Alexis says as she smiles watching Jewel's family interact with Jewel's father and family.

"My daughter has returned!" Eduardo shouts as birds welcome the group.


"For years we have been on the run as the humans push us deeper into the jungle. But as you can see we have found sanctuary. A place we can finally put down roots. Everyone! Come on! Everyone out of your nests! My daughter is home! Come on birds. My Jewel is back!" Eduardo shouts happily as the group flies with him and meets other birds.

"Look at her shining. Her feathers they glow. Now the jungle is smiling cause our baby's home. Can you feel what I feel? The day has come at last. Our precious Jewel has returned. I'll be the first to sing welcome back." A voice says revealing to be a very handsome bird.

"Roberto. I..." Jewel says in surprise.

"Oh welcome back. I said welcome, welcome, w-w-welcome...back! Wow you look great!" Roberto says as he goes over to Jewel.

"Wow." Alexis says as Rafael comes over to her.

"Aww. I know that look." Rafael says as Alexis looks at him.

"What look?" Alexis asks.

"You'll find out soon enough." Rafael says as he chuckles.

"Oh uh Alexis! Come here." Jewel says as she gestures for Alexis to come over.

"Uh okay." Alexis says as she nervously comes over to Jewel.

"Roberto this is my adoptive sister Alexis. We met not long after I was gone. She's been like family to me and taught me well on surviving with anything I didn't know." Jewel says as Roberto looks at Alexis.

"Well such a beauty of a bird most certainly deserves a thanks for that. I must say I like your colors. They're really unique." Roberto says as he smiles causing Alexis to blush.

"Oh uh thank you." Alexis says shyly.

"She's more unique then you know Roberto. I'm thankful for her." Jewel says as she smiles at Alexis.

"I'm thankful for you too Jewel." Alexis says.

"And what's this trinket around your-" Roberto then gets cut off by Jewel as birds start singing and celebrating.

"Oh wow! I remember this song!" Jewel shouts happily.

"How could you forget? It's in our blood. It's who we are. Wanna dance with me miss Alexis?" Roberto asks as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"Oh um I'm good. Thank you." Alexis says nervously.

"Oh well... Okay then." Roberto says as Alexis quickly goes over to Rafael.

"Why so nervous Alexis? He seems to like you." Rafael says.

"No Rafael he doesn't. Look it won't work out. I'm going for a fly." Alexis says as she flies off.

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