Chapter Ten - Staying The Night

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The surgery lasted for what seemed like forever, but was actually 5 hours. Around the three hour mark, when you were sitting in the lobby, Mike came though the front doors. You shot him a death glare. He just came walking towards you, and sat down next to you. He handed you a pair of keys. Your keys.

"Thanks." You growled.

"Wait, did you drive my car here?" You asked.

"Yep. "

"Thanks. I was wondering how I'd get home."

"No problem. Its the least I can do. I'm really sorry I tried to stop you, Y/N."
"Its fine."

There was a pause.

"What happened to Vincent?"
"H-He had to go into surgery."
"How long has it been?"
"About three hours."
"How long is it going to last?"
"The surgeon said about five or six hours."

You continued to have small conversations. Nothing important, just things about what jobs you both used to have, or what friends you have today.

"You know, I invited someone to come see Vincent. He should be here any minute now." Mike said, leaning back in his chair. "Who?" You asked.
"I thought he was, um, dead?"
"Nope. Same thing happened to him, kind of. His head is kind of, uh, different, so the Robotic head didn't fit. But he's a good guy."
"What do you mean, different? I wasn't that shocked when I saw Vince, and heck, he's purple."
"So you will probably be fine seeing him. That's cool."

As if almost on cue, Scott walked through the doors. For some reason, you weren't phased at all by the fact that his head was a large red telephone. He saw Mike and went to sit by both of you.

"Hey Scott." Mike said, shaking his hand. They were both wearing the same uniform. The purple Night Guard uniform with the same badge all of the workers got.

"So, Scott," Mike continued. "This is Y/N"
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Mike here was telling me how you went after Vince like that. That's very brave. And the fact you came out with just a broken arm? Incredible."
"Nice to meet you too. And I just did what hopefully anybody else would've. I couldn't just let him die."

You chatted with the boys for a long time. Somehow, the whole ' you-got-freaked-when-1987-came-up-in-Scott's-message' came up.

"So, Y/N, is it true that you made Mike turn off my message?" Scott asked.
"W-well I, um, didn't make him turn it off." You stuttered.
"What happened then?"
"I just, um, got uncomfortable when '87 got brought up."
"Why? It was just a glitch in Foxy's system. Whoever he bit must have the worst life ever right now."
"My life isn't so bad."
"You said, quote unquote, 'Whoever he bit must have the worst life right now'. And my life isn't that bad."

Scott didn't understand at first, but once he caught on, he was shocked.

" Y/N I-I didn't mean to offend you, I just uh," He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry."
"Its fine. I'm used to it now."

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Mike yelled, standing up, waving his finger in the air. You and Scott burst out laughing. Everybody sitting in the Hospital Lobby shhhhhhh'ed Mike. He slouched down in his chair.

"So, what is it, Mike?" You asked.
"Okay. Since you didn't get to hear the full message, how about Scott says the rest of it? Do you know the night one message, Scott?"
"I know it by heart." Scott replied.
"Cool, could you tell the rest of it to Y/N?"
"Start at 87'."
Scott nodded, then cleared his throat.

"So, just be aware, the characters do tend to wander a bit. They're left in some kind of free roaming mode at night. Uh...Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for too long. They used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of '87. Yeah. I-It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?

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