Depuis le début

Muzan tightened his arms around you as he monitored your heart rate.

The sound was rather relaxing to him-even though it was a bit irregular.

Again, he could hear that strange second heart beat. It really was so intriguing. It was soft, so faint and fragile. He wondered what it could...



Muzan looked at you skeptically.

You didn't seem to notice his gaze on you. His hand wandered over to your stomach touching it softly.

His eyes narrowed.

But you were a demon?

It didn't make sense.

He monitored the sound more closely.

His eyes widened.



He stared at you a moment.


He had never thought for a moment the consequences would come true. You were a human at the time...but even still.

"You're pregnant."


Sitting in front of a doctor was strange. The establishment was formal, your surroundings foreign to you as you still weren't adjusted to upper class settings.

The doctor took your wrist as he monitored you for a moment.

The room was silent.

Muzan was with you but wasn't saying anything.

He had already confirmed it himself but he was here to have an additional confirmation.

The doctors hand left your wrist in just a few seconds.

He nodded, "Congratulations. You're pregnant."




Just as when Muzan had told you the first time you grew quiet.


Like the real pregnant?

The words were shocking to you.


And it was you...you were the one who was pregnant?

You were going to become a mother?


But you had thought that demons couldn't get pregnant?

You weren't sure if you were supposed to be happy or terrified. In fact, you didn't really know how to explain how you felt.

You felt warm inside but at the same time mildly confused.

You slowly rose to your feet giving a small nod to the doctor as you walked up to Muzan.

Your silence was a bit concerning to him. You walked right up to him looking into his eyes as if searching for answers.

He grabbed your hand and held it in his.

He slowly interlocked your fingers, squeezing at the end before he began to walk with you. He checked your expression and still seeing a bit of worry he flashed you a small rare smile. The act alone was enough for some of your anxiousness fade away.

The comfort was much needed and your love for him seemed to blossom once more.

He slowly led you outside toward the vehicle in which you had come. His presence was calming your heart. It was beating rather rapidly and you couldn't help but feel nervous.

"You're anxious," he said.

You looked over at him with skeptical eyes.

"I've been wondering...how do you know what I'm thinking?"

Muzan didn't want to tell you just yet.

"I can tell."

He sat you down in the vehicle.

"I don't know," you said, "...I didn't expect this."

He closed the door, walking around to enter on his own side before taking a seat.

He spoke, "What are you anxious about?"

The vehicle began moving momentarily.

You blinked a few times, "I don't know if I'll be a good mother."

He tilted his head. Was that your concern?

"I know you will be."

You figured he was probably right...but still...

You looked over at him, "You're far too relaxed."

Muzan noticed you were correct.

The initial shock had faded.

He wasn't riled up at all.

He'd never imagined having a child, but now that the opportunity had risen he was adamant on following it through-adding another him to the world sounded nice.

He interlocked your fingers yet again, kissing you softly, "You have nothing to worry about."

You smiled at his words but than became a bit reluctant, "And how do you know that?"

"Because I know."

His confidence reassured you.

You turned your head away from him as you
focused your attention on the window, watching as your surroundings passed you by.

There was a lot to think about, but you knew that with him by your side everything would turn out alright.

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