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College AU / No Jujutsu Sorcery:

Yuuta decides to attempt to move on from his best friend's death, and meet Maki's friends. He becomes interested in a certain friend of theirs.

Contains: descriptions of a death, anxiety, social anxiety, grieving, and loss.

Maki Zenin is non-binary and uses they/them and she/her pronouns. (The former is preferred though)

A/N: If you have not read or watched Jujutsu Kaisen 0, you should probably not read this. You probably don't even know this ship anyway—

Yuuta Okkotsu was a strange guy. Or at least that was Maki's deduction when they had initially met.

Maki met him last semester, when the boy was a freshman, he didn't talk much even when they insisted on conversation and it was about their class work. Whenever they tried to talk to him, he seemed rather skittish, and like the older sibling they were (by five minutes) they felt as though they needed take Yuuta in. He seemed like a kicked puppy most of the time.

They had deduced, with not much difficulty, that the boy probably had some sort of social anxiety (possibly) and had a hard time making friends. Luckily, Maki was more than willing to take things at his pace.

In the spring, they were just barely past acquaintances, so at this point Maki was determined to introduce Yuuta to their other friends, someone like Yuuji or even Megumi would probably have more luck breaking through. Maki didn't even know why she cared this much, there was just something about him that reminded him of someone...maybe.

When Yuuta finally agreed to meeting her other friends, Maki knew they had to warn him.

"So before you meet everyone, you should know a few things."

Yuuta felt as though that was a pretty ominous thing for Maki to say. Especially since Maki has been trying to get him to agree to this for a while now, now you're going to mention something important?

Even though Yuuta hasn't known Maki that long, he would consider them friends. A word Yuuta will reluctantly say (and begrudgingly accept.)


He knows very little about Maki's friend circle, he just knows a few of them are dating, and it's mostly queer, if not all queer. Though Yuuta would be hard-pressed to remember anyone's names besides Maki's girlfriend.

"If you don't already know, there's me, Nobara—of course—Yuuji, Megumi, and Toge," Maki recounts and Yuta can't put a face to any of the names besides the one in front of him and Nobara. Though he might have met Megumi briefly. "Mai, my twin decided to go to a different college altogether, so you won't be meeting her anytime soon."

"Megumi's my cousin—"

Yuuta remembers Maki calling him 'the brooding nihilist who only dresses in black and navy.'

"He's dating Yuuji," Yuta remembers meeting Megumi now. His last name was Fushiguro, which is different than Maki's so he probably wouldn't have connected that they were related had Maki not told him.

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