Page 31 | Visions

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Y/N: "Son of a bitch..." Y/N hissed as Thor and Natasha enters the room.

Steve: "I'm sorry, Director. The world hasn't changed a bit."

Bruce: "Did you know about this?" Bruce pointed the monitor to Nat, as she gave Y/N a glare with her hands on her holster.

Natasha: "You might wanna go back to your room, Y/N." Natasha warns the blonde as he observes her hand was now on her gun, waiting to be pulled out.

Y/N: "And what is the reason why you want me to go back to my room, Miss Natasha Romanoff?" Y/N answered back with now a tone of hostility in his voice.

Natasha: "Loki is manipulating you." She said, as she approached the blonde.

Y/N & Kurama: "Loki?!" 

Y/N: "What do you mean by manipulating?"

Natasha: "He's manipulating that fox that is inside of your body and-"

Y/N: "Woah, woah, woah... Calm down, woman." He glares at Natasha and Fury with now a sense of distrust and hostility. "How the hell my other quirk's been revealed. Who told you about this?" He added.

Natasha: "Look, I care about you, Y/N. But disobeying orders will force us to get you back to your room with guards placed outside if you don't comply." Y/N studies the situation at first to carefully pick up his words.

Y/N: "You're my godmother, Nat. But please tell me first, WHY and HOW did SHIELD get the files about the fox."

Bruce: "I also wanted to point out, why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." Bruce cuts their conversation as the topic went back to the Tesseract.

Fury: "Because of him." Fury pointed his fingers to the confused Thor, as he points to himself.

Thor: "Me?"

Fury: "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that levelled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned."

Thor: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet."

Fury: "But you're not the only people out there, are you? And you're not the only threat." He shortly glanced at Y/N as he continues. "The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, that can't be controlled."

Steve: "Like you controlled the Cube?"

Thor: "Your work with the Tesseract is what Loki drew to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the Earth is ready for a higher form of war."

Y/N: "A higher form?"

Fury: "Both of you forced our hand. With your powerful Nine-Tails inside of you, waiting to be unleashed, we had to come up with something."

Y/N: "Oh, so I'm the villain right now?" Y/N stated with his arms crossed, facing Fury with fury.

Tony: "A nuclear deterrent. Because that always calms everything right down."

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