"Are you really all gonna stand there and let them do this to me?" Tyler asked, looking to the friends that they had brought along.

"Uh, guys? Enid just texted. Thornhill's suspicious. How long until he morphs into that...thing?" Ajax asked.

"I'm not the monster," Tyler protested once more.

"You are. I saw it in a vision at the Weathervane," Wednesday informed him.

"Wait, you're basing all this off some vision you had after we kissed?" Tyler asked. Elvira raised an eyebrow at her cousin. Wednesday had never mentioned that her and Tyler had kissed. "I mean, is that something you can trust?"

Just then Wednesday produced her bone saw, and everyone's eyes went wide. However, Elvira only smirked at the sight. She was ready to do whatever it took to get a confession out of Tyler.

As soon as their friends realized what lengths she and Wednesday were willing to go to, they bailed. That meant that they were no doubt going to tell Weems what they were doing. The time they had with Tyler was limited, and Elvira had a lot to get done.

As Wednesday questioned Tyler, Elvira stood behind him, her hands on either side of his head. Every time he resisted a question, or did anything that either of them didn't like, he received a shock to the head, each jolt getting stronger.

Elvira kept her powers in control, stopping when she knew that he would die if she kept going. Her goal wasn't to kill him, just to torture him into confession. It didn't seem to be working.

Suddenly, Sheriff Galpin burst into the studio, his gun pointed at Wednesday, before he noticed Elvira's hands on his son's head. Immediately his gun moved to train on her.

"Step away from Tyler, right now," he ordered. Elvira's face remained blank as she slowly raised her hands, taking a few steps back. Soon enough, she was being chewed out by Weems in her office, as Wednesday waited at the police station in Jericho. Apparently Sheriff Galpin had wanted to talk to her.

"Would you like to explain yourself Elvira?" Weems asked her, as she glared at her in disapproval.

"I'm sorry that my actions seemed extreme, but you should know that I don't take betrayal lightly. One of the people I care for the most is chained in a cell because Tyler framed him. I have no remorse for what I did," Elvira spoke. Weems' nostrils flared as she glared at Elvira.

"Well then I hope you understand why I have to expel you," Weems responded. Elvira's eyes slightly widened at the words. "I thought you would prove to be different than Wednesday, but it turns out that both of you are just as troublesome as each other. The two of you have put me and this school in a very precarious position, and the only remedy is your immediate expulsion. I apologize that Nevermore didn't work out for you."

Elvira pursed her lips and nodded curtly.

"I would rather leave and continue my investigation by myself, than have to hold myself back because you're afraid of getting your hands dirty," Elvira snapped. Weems stood and leaned forward.

"You will be on the afternoon train tomorrow, and if I ever see you anywhere near Jericho or Nevermore, you can be sure that the charges that weren't pressed tonight, will be pressed then," Weems threatened. Elvira stared at the woman, not saying anything, before turning on her heel and storming out of the room.

She walked back to Ophelia Hall, glaring at Bianca as she passed her. The second she opened the door, Enid was there, waiting for the news.

"I've been expelled, and I suspect that Wednesday will suffer the same fate," Elvira reported. Enid's face dropped, and immediately tears brimmed in her eyes. "Please don't cry."

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