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My mouth drops open, even though I did suspect they have something.

Minho is so outspoken and I admire that in him. I'm also glad he was comfortable to tell it for me.

"Yeah we actually are kind of dating", Minho gets shy.

"Wow! I'm so happy for you", I hug him.

"Really?", Minho is surprised.

"Yes, of course", I say.

"We are scared to tell about it, but when I saw how you and Hyunjin look at each other I just knew I should tell this to you guys", Minho explains.

"I appreciate it", I smile.

"But I'm afraid if others find out, because I don't want it to change our relationship", Minho looks down.

"I understand, it's scary", I say.

"It's not the ideal thing to happen and I know staff wouldn't allow it", Minho says.

"Allow what?", Changbin opens the door.

We both stay silent and stare at him. I'm ready to tell him the truth.

"Well?", Changbin crosses his arms.

"Vacation", Minho quickly makes something up, before I can speak.

"Yes, vacation", I nod.

"Oh yeah, we can't have vacation at the moment, but maybe we can talk to them and we can go as a group", Changbin taps us on the shoulder and leaves.

"That was close", Minho closes the door.

"Yeah", I say.

Later at our dorm living room I talk with Minho and Jisung when others are away. Jisung gets to hear that I know about them.

"I'm glad Hyunjin and you know about us, it's more comfortable being us", Jisung says.

"Of course! I didn't know you told him already", I smile.

Jisung starts smiling wide.

"Yes I did...so you and Hyunjin?", he winks.

"Yes", Someone touches my shoulder.

I turn around to see Hyunjin.

"Hey", he says and pats my head.

"You're such a couple already", Minho laughs.

"We are", Hyunjin kisses me on the cheek.

Why is he like this in front of them.

"Come", Hyunjin drags me away.

Jisung and Minho stay there giggling and whispering, but I can't hear what they say.

"What now?", I ask while following Hyunjin.

"I want you", Hyunjin says and opens the door.

"Oh Hyu-", I can't even finish when Hyunjin's lips are on mine.

They Don't Know About Us - HyunlixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat