Dear Liam (1)

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Dear Liam,

How do I even start this. It's only been a week but it feels like years. You don't understand how hard this is for me. My best friend is gone. For the past six years we've been inseparable. I use to see you everyday during school. We grew up together. You were the one that taught me that it was okay to be different. You loved me for me. Then you met the boys. Oh those boys. The band was your life. I could see how happy they made you. Seeing you smile around them just made me fall in love with you more and more each time I saw you preformed.

Then you told me you were going to serve your country. Till this day I don't know what made you decide that. Not that it's a bad thing. You just woke up and were like "I'm going into the army." Where did that come from? I never had the guts to actually ask you in person. You seemed so determined. So passionate about it. I wasn't going to be one to take that away from you. You can do whatever you want. I just want you safe.

This week has been so hard. You don't know how many times I've sat the dinner table for two. I guess after living together for six months it has just become a habit. A very sad habit. I haven't done it in two nights though. I guess that is a good start. I'm just trying to to focus on the fact that you are gone. I want more to think about what it will be like when you come back. I'm making a list of things to do. It's not much, but it's a start:

(1) Toy Story movie night

(2) A night in with the boys

(3) Try to get you over the fear of spoons (they aren't that bad. Really)

(4) Show you how I kicked ass in my sociology class.

(5) Inform you that I no longer want to go into sociology

(6) Teach you the dance I'm working on for "Rock Me"

(7) Teach you "Little Things" in Spanish that Zayn and I learned when being bored

I know it's not much, but I'm trying to keep myself buys while you are gone. That's what you told me to do. If I'm busy then I'm not going to sit around and get depressed. I guess that's one good thing about the boys. They take turns checking on me to make sure I'm up and doing something. It's only been a week. I'm just nervous to see how they are after three months. I have a feeling someone might be sleeping on our couch by that point. On gosh. Just not Niall. That boy better buy his own food. I'm actually going to enforce that rule now. I'm so writing "Payne" on all of our food.

I love you boyfriend,

Blair Hataway.


Author's note: I am so sorry this reply took so long. I got so caught up in work and making new friends that I honestly completely forgot about writing for a while. I'm back though. I am staying this time. If you want to to know when I'm updating what or if you want to get some sleek peeks you can follow me at @mcr_fanfic on twitter. Also feel free to send me any questions there. I would be happy to answer anything you have to ask :)

Also! Just thought I would inform you of something. I'm not writing this story alone. My fellow writer and best friend (sdbanddork46) is helping me. She will be writing the letters from Liam. Yes. That does mean from now on each chapter will be a letter. I have no control over when she posts a chapter and I also cannot post Blair's response until it is up. No worries though. She's got my log in info so she will post it as soon as she can.

~Mary <3

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