Chapter 3: Best Laid Plans

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For weeks Bowser threw himself into his royal duties with a renewed sense of purpose, which luckily for Kamek kept him occupied. Still, he knew his ruler would only wait so long before demanding results. Kamek was glad to see Bowser back in high spirits, but this plan was one of the more... kooky ones the Koopa King had thought up. It was actually pretty brilliant in its simplicity Kamek had to admit, but there were ways to hide one's identity with magic that were much more simple and far less risky and Bowser knew it. Kamek couldn't help but ponder as he worked why Bowser had chosen this particular method.

All Kamek's time was spent tinkering with the magic of the Super Crown. In theory it could be done, but Kamek was never one to rely entirely on theory. Powerups were tricky and unpredictable when altered from their original purpose. Nearly anything could happen, and only the original creators in ancient times could truly know how to adjust powerups safely, but Kamek had to make do.

"KAMEK!" Kamek cringed, he knew from the King's voice his time was up. The magikoopa was in his private laboratory ever since they left the vault. Kamek removed the crown from the magical furnace that had hopefully made the last adjustments needed. Still, Kamek wasn't confident, he at least wanted a chance to test it first, but he could tell from the loud furious thumping noises approaching the door that he wasn't going to get that chance.

The doors slammed open and the Koopa King marched inside. "Well?" Bowser said surprisingly quietly. "Yes!" Kamek said with a bit of fear in his voice. "The modifications have been made, but I..." Bowser quickly grabbed the Super Crown and held it. "Sir! I haven't tested it yet! I can't be sure it'll..." Kamek tried to warn his King.

Bowser laughed. "Heh! I have no need for tests! I trust your abilities Kamek." The words warmed the old Koopa's heart, but not enough to alleviate the stab of fear over his lord's foolhardiness. The Koopa King had always been reckless and impulsive so this was nothing new, but this was not the first nor Kamek suspected the last time Bowser wouldn't listen to him. Bowser gazed down at the crown for only a moment before his mind was completely made up. Once he had come up with one he felt passionate enough about Bowser never was one to back out of a plan no matter how absurd it was.

Bowser placed the Super Crown atop his head with no further ceremony. Suddenly a massive pain rolled through his entire body. He tried to call out to Kamek, but as he opened his mouth he could only scream in anguish. "This isn't supposed to happen! You're supposed to change instantly and..." Bowser didn't hear the rest of Kamek's yelling. Bowser's screams became distorted as they became higher and higher pitched. The pain continued to mount, and suddenly Bowser's world went black. The last thing either of them remembered was a blinding pink light.


Peach, Mario, and Luigi were at yet another celebration for Peach's safe return at her castle. Mario attended even though he was feeling quite down. Peach's rejection had rocked him for sure, but now he didn't really know what he was going to do now. He stood there off to the side in the royal ballroom awkwardly because unlike countless times before, he didn't dance with Peach.

Daisy had come to visit from the Sarasaland after hearing about the ordeal. Mario could only look on as Luigi danced with his girl and that made Mario smile a bit. At least his brother still had someone that loved him back. 'Those two go together like-a Spaghetti and Meatballs' he thought. Then again Mario had thought the same about himself and Peach. The thought made him frown, he hoped Luigi wouldn't go through the same thing. Though at least Daisy didn't get herself kidnapped anywhere near as much. The woman had that much going for her.

Mario had to admit that having to save Peach all the time had been wearing thin for a while. Bowser would show up, kidnap Peach, and Mario would run through the whole Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms to save her, and then a few weeks later he would be at it again. Mario had to admire Bowser's tenaciousness if nothing else, but it was incredibly irritating to have to deal with. Not that Mario ever did it under the expectation Peach would marry him or anything, but they had more to their relationship than that, or at least Mario though they did.

Mario thought back to the many many times he had fought the Koopa King. Mario loved going on adventures, fighting bad guys, rescuing princesses... he knew he'd rush to Peach's aid regardless. Bowser's latest scheme had been one of his better ones, something Mario had to put some real effort into. Sometimes Mario managed to rescue Peach in relative ease in all of a couple hours if Bowser is really off his game. Sometimes it seems like Bowser is just going through the motions, kidnapping Peach and fighting Mario just to pass the time. Other times Bowser comes up with a complicated scheme that Mario had to really work at it to stop him. He wondered if after all this time Bowser ever got tired of it.

Mario didn't know what he was doing here. Peach made it clear she didn't love him, maybe she never would. He didn't want to wallow in self-pity but with the object of his affection standing across the room he couldn't help it. All he could do was stand by the buffet table and pretend to be interested in the foods his stomach felt no need for, despite being empty. He should've just declined the invitation. He should've...

Something out of the corner of Mario's eye caught his attention. A pinkish light out the window? Whatever it was it was approaching fast. Everyone in the room quickly noticed as the light filled the room. Mario heard screams from that direction of the palace suddenly cut off, then a pink wave came through the walls. Mario couldn't even register the pink wave before it struck him.

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