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Author's Note: Hey you lovely people thank you for being so patient with me, as for the story I has a major block but I think I'm back now, here's a small chapter.... I'll try to do better next time.
In that chapter we get Gina's Pov

Recap: EJ is now dating Nicole because she blackmailed him,she has a picture of EJ and Lila that could ruin Lila's future. Lila is heart broken because she thinks EJ played her

Gina's POV

We were in the auditorium trying to get a nice picture for the poster of our show without Miss Jenn, but we were failing miserably after a number of tries we decided to take a break. I had a conversation with Lila and now I'm super confused. Why would Ej do that to her , just as I was thinking I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi" said EJ Caswell with a very evident frown on his face.
"Hi I am a smidge confused" he said rubbing his face in frustration.
"I figured"
"What happened to the plan?... I mean I know it failed miserably, forgetting getting the girl I think I lost her forever, but you ?....You made me take you to homecoming and then you poured a drink on my head"

"Yes, it was pretty complicated" I replied not knowing what to say.
"Yes, but if there was ever a next step I think I am missing it, because I am still the understudy and you seem pretty happy So, what changed?"

"Nothing. Everything? Look, I don't know I thought you wanted this as bad as I did It was more like I felt like I had to get it" I began ranting trying to make EJ understand my thought process but I was failing miserably.
"That is the same thing!"
"So, do you care about Ricky?"  Ej asked annoyed
"And what if I do?" I don't know why I said that, but I did mean it, I did care about Ricky.


So today has been a disaster, I mean first we bombed the photoshoot without Miss Jenn, then we find out that she faked her way into this job by lying about her teaching credentials and she might lose her job today, also Nini and I have no idea how we're gonna solve this EJ- LILA problem.
Arghhh I hate mondays !!

At Big Red's Basement Lila's POV

I did not want to be here, actually let me rephrase that I did not want to be in the same place as EJ, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he crushed my heart, but it's because I still feel the same for him. Especially after what Gina said, is it true he did that for me? Doesn't matter though he's with 'Nicky' now.

"We all ended up in the same basement after a really bad day so someone should say something" said Ashlyn from her seat next to me. After that everyone went back and forth with arguments, I was too angry to be in the same room as EJ his presence bothered me.

" Fine. I will say something I am mad at Miss Jenn" "Why?"
"Because she has got a couple skeletons in her closet?" "No, because she is giving up She was the first teacher to not see me as a punchline and now she is not even a real teacher?"
"Define "real teacher"
"He has got a point"
"Does he, though?"
"Guys So, why are we all here then?"
"Yes, good question This is a waste of time" said EJ huffing, "Where do you have to go? To get punch poured on your head again?" I snapped
EJ looked away with a scoff, and began playing with his fingernails something he does when he's upset.
The rest of them began murmuring wondering why I was so rude to EJ, Ashlyn gave me a side eye too, so I apologized and asked them to continue

Ricky started " she put our show in jeopardy And now we are all here, maybe for the last time, together And for some of us, this has become... I do not know" he said tearing up.
And Nini rose from here seat "Family" completing his sentence.
"What team? Wildcats !!! We all cheered
"Okay, Wildcats So, what are we doing about it?" Ash said winking.

Ashlyn Nini and I stayed over to write a song, while Carlos and Gina came up with the choreography.
I noticed something was bothering EJ his phone kept buzzing and he looked really frustrated, after sometime EJ vanished and showed up hours later only for the rehearsals of the final part.

Gina's POV

Ashlyn, Nini and Lila were working on the song and the rest of us were just chilling. I noticed how EJ'S phone has been buzzing the whole night, so when EJ left with Big Red to help him get some pizzas, I took the opportunity to snoop through his phone, it was super easy his password was LILY, so obvious!

There was a text conversation between EJ and Nicole

Nicole: Hey Fake Boyfriend !

EJ: What do you want?

Nicole: Pick me up from my house and drop me off to a party, also get some booze.

EJ: Nicole I'm not doing that, so stop bothering me!

Nicole: Fine I'll just post this steamy picture on Instagram...xoxo

OHMYGOD!!! She's black mailing him, EJ needs to tell Lila the truth.

Next: He said I was his HOME....

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