Episode 1-The Prince's Desire: part 1

Start from the beginning

With that, Asch left knowing he should catch up with his knights before they did anything else he didn't approve of.

Deeper into the forest zipped the swift soul, slipping between and around trees and brush to get as far away as they could. It was hard to see in the cottage, but in the darker environment they glowed a faint blue, enough to make them hard to hide. This glow ultimately gave them away, a blast of magic just missing the soul. It was enough to stop them in their tracks, dropping to the ground almost like an inanimate object.

The large hand of Pierce gingerly grasped the soul, electric blue eyes inspecting it closely, almost with a sense of wonder. Holding it up to the moon, he looked deep within it, curious of the contents of a soul. He'd dealt with humans a number of times in the past, but touching a pure soul was something he had yet to do. The importance of that one orb was more than anyone outside of the royal family knew, and he had the honor of handling it.

From around a tree came two of the other knights, Leif and the smallest, a young man named Noi. "Drop it!" Noi shouted, brandishing one of his daggers at Pierce. "You heard the man, now drop it this way." Leif piped up, both men slowly approaching their fellow knight.

"It's mine, I rightfully cornered it first" Noi stated, glancing back and forth between the two, a dagger held towards each of them. "You wanna try me?" Leif almost mused, fully aware of the strength the other possessed. He was confident he could beat his small comrade if a fight were to break out, but Pierce would be a different story.  "Face me! I'm delivering it to His Highness first." Noi said, not backing down.

"Petty. The both of you," the familiar cool voice of Rhys spoke, their attention quickly turning to him. His icy blue irises glowed in the night, as all theirs did, those blue orbs scrutinizing each of them. "Truly it doesn't matter who delivers it,"  he continued, shaking his head lightly, "as long as it's me." Rhys readied himself for a little struggle, hands raised to use his magic.(honestly Rhys saying that sounds like a combat game character entrance)

Pierce knew when to give in. With a low chuckle, and tossed the soul over his shoulder, knowing someone would grab it, "hmph, catch." He merely said, a hint of amusement in his typically flat voice.

Leif was quick to catch the soul, surprise clear on his face as he stared at the soul now in his hands. "It's mine!" Noi called out, dashing for the other, their blades clashing briefly with a few sparks, Leif being extra careful of the soul in his other hand. They were too preoccupied with one another they barely had time to move out of the way of the ice magic Rhys sent their way. They both jumped out of the way, Leif's grasp slipping on the soul as it flew from his hand. The soul caught themself before hitting the ground, precariously floating only inches above the grass.

Noi bolted for the soul, only to be shoved out of the way by Peirce, the smaller knight easily sent flying by the behemoth and effectively landing on Rhys who managed to catch the other. The orb was now back in Pierce's hands, a small grin almost forming on his lips.

His victory was short lived, a ball of flames raining down from above brought him to a kneel, the flames only licking at his pants in a harmless manner. These flames were more familiar to him than anything else and he knew how to act in the presence of them.A ring of fire now surrounded the kneeling knight, the others only taking a second to realize where they had come from and they too dropped to one knee, heads lowered.

"Your Highness, I can explain," Rhys was the first to speak, rising to a stand. "We had obtained the soul when it slipped from our grasp and-" the man was cut off by Pierce who spoke as he always did, in short sentences. "We had a delay."  Asch stood before them, about to speak before someone else appeared.

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