"Monica? Kellin? You guys okay?" I heard justin say.

"Yep we're fine." He said as he put me down.

There was a loud knock at the door and I could see the guys faces. They were worried. Gabe slowly went to the door. He peeked through the peep hole and then he looked at us giving us a shrug. He opened the door and two people came stumbling in, dripping wet.

"Austin? Alan?" Justin said. Gabe quickly closed the door and jack flashed the light on them.

"You guys are soaking wet! Ill be right back." Kellin said. Then he disappeared upstairs.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Jack said from sitting on the couch.

"We got on the wrong plane." Austin said. Kellin handed them towels and clothes and they said thanks. Then they went into a restroom to get changed and dried.

|| austins pov ||

We entered the restroom and I grabbed my phone out putting on the light and placing it down.

"You know this is all your fault right?" I said.

"Hey at least I landed in california." Alan said.

"Okay yea sure landed. More like crashed." I said.

"Well sorry!" Alan yelled.

"We could have died!" I yelled.

"Well we didnt! Im sorry! I was just trying to impress you." He said barley at the end.

"Impress me? Why?" I said. I took off my boxers drying my self quickly and putting on the ones kellin gave me. Then I slipped on some warm ups.

"Nevermind its nothing. Lets go im tired and I want a drink." He said and he was opening the door to leave. I grabbed his wrist and said "hey dont become an alcoholic okay please."

"Okay but I just need one." He said.

I smiled and said "dont get drunk like last time."

"Why what happened last time?" He said.

I laughed and said "you were like I love you austin. Im in love with you. Blah blah. I love you and blah blah. It was funny."

Through the little light from my phone. I saw his cheeks get red and then he left. I grabbed the shirt, putting it on and grabbing my phone.


Its been a couple of hours and all the other guys and monica have been playing hide and seek but alan and I are sitting on the couch watching a movie on my phone. Alan is drunk as fuck and this is the only thing that has calmed him down. His arms were around my waist and his head was on my shoulder.

The movie started buffering and then my phone went completely dead.

"Austttin!" Alan whinned. I sighed. Great now how will I calm him.

"Aussstinnn!"he whinned again.

"What!" I snapped.

"Im bored." He said.

"Fine what do you want to do?" I said.

"This." He said. I was confused but then he grabbed my face and turned me towards him and he pushed his lips into mine ruffly.

"Mmm alan!" I mumbled agaisnt his lips. I cringled at the touch and I tried pushing him off but I couldnt and I fell back with him on top of me.

"Alan!" I yelled when I got him off me.

"What? You - you didnt like it?" He said. I heard the crack in his voice like he was about to cry.

"N-no its - your not gay youre - youre drunk. I-im not gay." I said.

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