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Noelle's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight woke her. The memories of the night before flooded into her head. The drama with her ex then ending up in bed with Eddie. Anthony had been the only man she'd slept with. Sure she had boyfriends in high school but she never slept with them. In college, Mel would continuously push for her to put herself out there. The one time she finally did, she ended up marrying him years later.

She rubs her eyes and realizes she's alone. The sound of the shower played through the open door. Her eyes wonder to the alarm clock on the small table. 6:20. Considering the two fell asleep 4 hours ago, she felt good. Maybe Mel was right? What was she gonna tell her? What was she gonna tell her mom? She slept with her clients father.

"Good Morning."

Noelle's gaze goes over to Eddie, who's in nothing but a towel. "Morning." She slowly lifts herself up, holding the sheets against her chest.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"Pretty good actually. You?"

He grins, "Pretty good as well." He said, putting lotion on his body. "What are your plans for today?"

Noelle shrugs, "I was gonna reach out to Athena to see what my best options are going forward. Maybe if I can stay with my parents for a bit until I get a new place." She said. "He's behind bars for right now and I kind of want to get out before he can show up again."

"Think he'd get out?"

"He'd find a way." She answers, "I'm gonna get in the shower and head out. Where are my clothes?'

"They're still drying because I never got the chance to switch them over." He said, holding back a grin. "They should be ready when you get out." Noelle nods and leans to the edge of the bed to grab a t-shirt. She didn't know what to say or do. This type of encounter wasn't something she was use to.  What was she gonna say to him? Last conversation they had, he wanted to be friend. Here they are almost two weeks later sleeping together. Noelle was truly confused.

Noelle walks out of the bathroom and into Eddie's room. It was empty but her clothes were sitting on the bed. First thing she was doing when she got was changing her clothes. After getting dressed, she made her way into the kitchen where Eddie was pouring a cup of coffee. She never noticed how good he looked in his work clothes. With the night the two had, she couldn't help but see him different.

"Coffee?"He asks, reaching for a second mug. "I know I definitely need it."

"Sorry, I kept you up so late." She teases, taking a seat at the table. "Yes, I would like coffee."

He nods and grabs the second mug, "So about last night, I really enjoyed myself."

"I did too. So where do we go from here?"

"Maybe see where things go? It's clear we like each other, so why not just try?"

"What about you wanting to be just friends?"

Eddie placed the mug in front of her and sat at the edge of table. "The night I kissed I felt something with you. At first I felt guilty for feeling that way and-"

"Eddie, I'm not rushing you into anything you're not ready for. We can take our time and figure it out together." Noelle said, grabbing his hand. "We won't tell anyone, it'll be our little secret until we're ready."

He smiled, "Okay ." He gives her a peck on the lips. "Not gonna lie, I'm not prepared to tell Christopher." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"How are we gonna tell my mom?" Noelle chuckles, "She knows we hang out together with Christopher but she's not gonna except this."

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