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"So you're really going to cook an entire Valentine's Day Dinner?"

Noelle laughs, "Why are you making it sound like it's a bad thing?" She said, placing another item into her grocery basket. She adjusts her air pod and continues on .

"It's not, I just feel like he should be taking you out or at least the one cooking." Noelle rolls her eyes, "You cook majority of the meals."

"Well I've been working a lot this past year and I feel like we haven't had an intimate date in a while. I want to make it up to him."Noelle responds. "Red or White wine?"

Mel sighs, "Red. All I know is he better come through with something. You do a lot for him and it'd be nice for you to at least thank you."

"He probably will. Last year he got my favorite flowers, a Tiffany's bracelet and a trip to Jamaica. Maybe we will finally go to Paris this year."

"I'm rooting for you girl! I've got to go, they need me."

"Have fun."

Hours have past, Noelle sat at the dining room table with Patron and glass within arms reach. Her eyes glued to a small card.

Had to go to a conference with Mark in Houston. I'm sorry.


Noelle takes a sip of her drink before grabbing her phone.

"Hey, you've reached Anthony. Leave-"

She tosses her phone onto the table. Her eyes move to the bouquet of flowers and small box of chocolate that rested on the table. Noelle shakes her head before getting up from her seat. She finished the remainder of her drink before leaving the dining room.


"Dr Price, I need your help." Noelle jumps in her seat. She had been sitting their lost in her thoughts. "Did I scare you?"

Noelle shakes her head, "What's up? What do you need help with?" She said, catching her breath

"So I have a 82 year old woman  in bay 5, who has a heart rate of 40 but she seems perfectly fine." The nurse explains.

"Any pain or discomfort?" Noelle asks.


"Did you run an EKG?"

"Waiting to get those back." Casey answers.

Noelle raises a brow before walking into the room, "Hello Mrs. Fredricks, I'm Doctor Price. Im just gonna examine you a bit. The nurse said you have a low heart rate?"

The elder nods, "My primary said my heart beating is too slow." She answers as Noelle re-examines her. "I feel fine."

"I'm going to take a look at your EKG to see if I find anything. In the meantime, I'm gonna have the nurse hook you up to a pacer just to be sure." The elder woman nods and looks at her daughter.

"It's gonna be okay mom."

Noelle smiles before leaving the room. Just then her phone begins to ring in her pocket. She looks at the name then raises a brow, "Aren't you suppose to be enjoying Valentine's Day with your husband?" She asks, walking to the nursing station.

"I am but I wanted to check on you." Mel answers.

Noelle sighs, "I'm good. It's nothing I'm not use to already. I do appreciate you checking on me though." She said. "Go enjoy your night with your husband. Let me know if that new restaurant is worth the hype."

The friends laughed then exchanged goodbyes. Noelle sits down and looks over the results. "What do you think?" Casey asks looking over her shoulder.

"It looks like she has heart blockage . I'm gonna have cardiology come down and they can get a better look. She's more than likely gonna need a pacemaker."

"Alright, I'll go tell them."

Noelle reaches for the phone and dials, "Hey Miles, I have an 82 year old woman down here with a possible heart blockage."

"I'll head down in a minute."

She smiles, "Thank you."

"I'm looking for a Noelle Price." A female officer asks. She has a mocha complexion with a short pixie cut.

"You've found her. Is everything okay officer?"

The officer nods, "I'm Athena Grant, I'm May Grant's mother. Look, I don't know what you said to her but Thank you."

Noelle smiles, "I'm glad our talk helped. How did you find me?"

Athena lifts the small piece of paper, "She had this on her night table." She answers.

"Well, If it's okay with you, my line is always open for her. Being a teenager is tough especially nowadays."

"Tell me about it." Athena said. "We should get lunch sometime."

A loud beeping sound flooded the room."Incoming!"

"I'm sorry I have to go but yes to lunch. It was nice to meet you Athena." The remainder of her shift remained hectic, making 9 pm arrive fast.

Noelle opens the door to her new home with a smile plastered on her face. She quickly goes up the stairs to her bedroom, where she passed out on her air mattress.

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