-Chapter 14: You and Me-

Start from the beginning

I pull away, laughing as we stare into each other's eyes as Ben saunters up to us, putting his hand on my shoulder and looking at our friends. "I owe you guys so much." He laughs. "Yeah. Yep." Our friends say. "Just a little bit." Evie says, laughing. "If there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you...." Ben starts as Evie looks at me, nudging me.

"Actually, Ben." She starts. I nod, facing the King. "Evie and I....well, all of us...have an idea for how we can begin bringing more VKs over from the Isle. To begin freeing my people. Because if Uma said anything right, it's that my people are still trapped." I say. Ben nods, smiling. "That's why I have you as the Queen of the Isle!" He says happily. "Could we, specifically, include a girl I know who would really love to come to Auradon. Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me." Evie says, holding my hand. Ben nods, grinning again. "Then she should come." He says.

"We could make you...a list?" Evie asks, looking at me and Ben. Ben nods again, laughing "That would be perfect." He says. Some guy comes up to us, breaking into our convo. "Uh, Queen Y/N, Lady Mal. We found your spell book below deck. Uma had it." He says, lifting said book into view. I grimace at it as Mal looks at Ben, who looks back at her. "Ooh, uhh..." Mal says, looking at me now. I take it, flipping it over in my hand. "You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother." I say, eyeing Mal who nods. "Fairy Godmother?" She calls out. The fairy appears in front of us, nodding quickly. "That's me, thank you. Mm-hmm." She says walking towards us.

"This....belongs in the museum." I say, handing it over to her. She takes it, nodding. "It does, yes, and I'm gonna take it." She says, latching onto the book. "Go for it." Mal says, laughing. "We're not gonna be needing it anymore." She adds. The fairy walks away and we all turn to each other. I take Evie's hand, pulling her close to me as Mal and Ben do the same. We walk to the front of the boat, turning to look at everyone at the dance today.

I think back to the past 6 months since we got here. All that we've accomplished, been through, got over. It was amazing, and I wouldn't ask for anything else. Even with the water filled deck, the water soaked outfits and hair, the mess that is the boat. We're all smiling and happy about the outcome. And that's all we can hope for.

Ben and I stand next to each other, watching the people of Auradon in front of us. "Looking back at yesterday. I thought I gave it everything. But still there's so much road ahead of me." Ben and I sing together, seeing our loved ones walk beside us. Evie on my right and Mal to his left. "When I looked into your eyes. I guess I didn't recognise. Who we are and all that we can be." Evie sings to me as Mal sings to Ben. Evie takes my hand, pulling me to the right side where people stood as we sang. "Sometimes it's hard to find yourself, but it's worth it in the end. Cause in your heart is where it all begins." We sing as I bow to Ben, turning back to the front and gripping Evie's hand before we both step down and splash the water on our friends.

"We got to be bold, we got to be brave, we got to be free." We sing. I let go of Evie's hands, turning to Lonnie who's near me and splashing her instead. "We got to get loud, Making that change. You got to believe. Whoa'' We sing as I take Evie again. We make a line with Evie and I in the front, Mal and Ben behind us. "We'll look deep inside, and we'll rise up and shine. We can be bold, we can be brave, let everyone see." We sing, dancing with each other while splashing water as I look at Evie, grinning. "It starts with You and Me"

We sing as we all dance apart. "Whoa, whoa. It starts with you and me. Whoa, whoa. It starts with you and me." I see Evie take Carlos and Mal's hand, leading them to the railing on the side as Jay and I approach. "There's something special that I've learned. It's together we can change the world. Everybody's got something they can bring." I hear them sing as I grab Jay and approach them. "When you take a look inside yourself. Do you wish that you were something else?" We sing as I wrap my arms around Evie's shoulders as she leans back onto me. "But who you are is who you need to be." Jay and I sing before Evie turns, taking my hand into hers. "Sometimes it's hard to find yourself, but it's worth it in the end." We sing as I pull her into the middle again, away from the railing.

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