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Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. But I'm BAAAACK!!!.
Ok so this episode is about reliveing stress. Because life can be VERY stressfull. Like wating for a book on wattpad to update.
*cough* I *cough* said I was *cough cough* sorry *cough* *cough*
ANYYYYY WAYYYYYYYYY! Let's get on with the chapter shall we.

Ok so I get stressed out a lot so over the years i'v devleoped ways to keep my stress under wraps. So today I'm going to share some of these with you.

First off the very FIRST thing I do when I'm stressed out is I go into my room lock the door and put a do not disturb sign on the door, then I put my headphones in and I turn the sound up as loud as it will go without blasting out my eardrums, and just take an hour or so and just listen to music.

Another thing I do is I put up the don't disturb sign lock the door and I dance. Moving is a GREAT way to let off steam and get rid off stress. And even if you SUCK at dancing, I mean why do you think I lock the door.

Another thing I do (and hannah if your reading this and you tell anyone I will HURT YOU!!) Any way another thing I do is I put on some make up(not a lot just some lipstick, blush and eye shadow.), do my hair, put on a nice dress, and dance, I even somtimes even just look at myself in the mirror, you see I have a lot of self esteam isuse, and doing this reminds me that I am pritty and helps a LOT with my stress and even with my self esteam.

One thing I do is I punch somthing. See bad emotions have a Lot to do with stress, and punching somthing wether its a puching bag, pillow, bed, couch, or even a wall! (DONT PUNCH A WALL!!) Can help let loose those bad emotions.

One thing you can do is TAKE A SHOWER!! If I've been having a bad day and its near the end of the day I don't want to go to bed upset so I'll go take a shower. I don't know why but its realy helpfull, it might be because the steam is calming, or maybe its because no one can bother me there, or maybe even because it feels like the waters just washing away all the bad things. I don't know all I know is that I works.

And the last thing I have to share with you is talk. To. A. Friend. I don't talk to my family about my stress because their usualy the cause of it, but a lot of times just talking to a close friend can help even if their not listening just talking and geting it off you chest can help. And if you don't have a friend you can talk to, wether its because you don't trust them, don't have friends, or some other reason, get a diary, I've noticed that since I started keeping a diary its helped a LOT with my stress.

A/N and that's about it I realy I hope this helped.

What song is this from
"Do you ever post your pic with no filter #iwokeuplikethisto."

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