Chapter 2-???

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y/n pov- 

As I was waking up my eyes were still a little hazy but before I could clear them enough a shadow  was over me  it scared  me i try to look up at  them before i could  do anything the shadow touched my forehead with something slimy?and said -sleep-    

 my eyes stared to Droop I tried to stay wake but they were closing  after my eye lids  fully closed I was in a inky blackness but it was comforting. Then i woke up I was under the tree I don't know why but I feel better I looked down to see I was fully healed no Bruises,cuts, and nothing broken?

I was confused yet scared I looked at the sky it was nightfall it would be dangerous to try and get home right now but I can't stay here I need to get going the longer I stay here the more likely someone would attack me 

(Gets up and leaves to go home)

As I was walking home I felt something creeping up behind me but evey time I look behind me I see no one it was creeping me out so I ran back to my house and locked the door and decided to skip dinner 

And went to bed instead

Nightmare Sans -pov 

I saw her try to look up at me with those beautiful e/c (eye color) but then I felt negative come  form her fear and I saw her about to bolt before she could  I  went closer and tapped her head and said -sleep-  I saw her grow sleepy before she  fell asleep  out cold form my ability  to put anyone to sleep

I then healed her carried her to the tree so she can rest easier she looks so scared and afraid when she woke up I felt bad for her its possibility form those bullies   I want to protect her but I can't not yet I need to tell my boys

 (aka nightmare gang also they are softies in this) but before I could teleport she woke up it was already night fall.then I thought came to mind what if someone gets to hurt her even go as far as to kill her.

When I thought about it I felt a sadness and anxiety of what might happen in my very  soul

So this were brings me now following her but she seems to notice I'm here probably cause of my negative  aura effects on human's and monsters I admit  I should have Dialed it down now it seems to be freaking her out... Then she blotted I followed she  made it home safe  to my relief now time to get back to the Castle to get everything ready

When I teleported home I didn't expect for horror to be looking for killer must of skipped dinner then I heard chocking welp horror found killer I called horror and killer to me

Horror sans - pov 

I found killer and stuffed food in his mouth cause he skipped dinner again and I don't want him to starve  I heard boss call us over so I came over but before I did I made share killer ate his food when I give him the (you better of ate it look) he nodded quickly I hum in delight knowing that killer won't starve 

-Hey boss what do ya need us for?

nightmare-I need you to create a room for a girl were getting a new family member I think we can get along well but I want to ask you to ask everyone else if there find with this 

Killer- yea find as along they don't try to kill any of us but what do we do if they do boss




After everyone voted they decided that they would let them stay but they will have there Guard up still just in case they attack

Boss-  good now ill get the nightmare paps to work on it 

Killer,dust,error and horror-  so why this human what's so special about them huh boss

Boss or nootmare- well they remember me of myself a little. They are on there own in this case tho and when I saw them I hadn't seen them in any outher Aus  and

Killer-  and do you think they might be your soulmate not are


Nightmare sans x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now