Chapter 2.

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Morning rolled around and I decided it was time to wake up.

The sun shone brightly on my face as it streamed through the open windows. (P/N) had already managed to shove open the curtains so I'd wake up.

I yawned and stretched, then hobbled into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I fixed my
(h/l), (h/c) hair and walked out into the main room.

(P/N) got thrown a piece of food as breakfast, but I decided to skip it. I needed to save supplies.

The house got cleaned for a few hours, then I decided to go out and try to make sale at the daytime market.

I got dressed in (favorite winter safe outfit) and tugged on my boots again. My cloak wasn't necessary, as nobody knew who I truly was. As far as everyone on these isles knew, (Y/N) (L/N) and The Silver Saint were two completely different people. I even changed the way my voice sounded as her.

I got my palisman onto their staff and disguised it with a little magic. I shoved things to sell into my bag, which was also disguised. I packed potions I made, little trinkets I found or stole and re-designed, and clothes I made from "borrowed" fabric.

We then left our hideout, planning to make a bit of money. (P/N) and I reached the town after about 20 minutes of a walk, and I banged the bottom of his stick against the ground. Our tent summoned up, everything falling into place before we stepped inside. I freed my animal companion once again and let them help me set up.

I flicked the sign to open and began selling to any customers who looked interested. I wasn't very fond of people, but I knew how to lure them in for a sale.

As people bought, I knitted little hats, gloves, or palisman blankets to try and make more snails.

By the end of the day, pretty much everything was sold out and I made around seventy five coins. It wasn't busy day at all, and my items were all priced pretty low so it was understandable.

As I was about to begin closing up, a girl with tanned skin and short brown hair ran up to my shop.

"Wait!" She called, approaching and trying to catch her breath. "Are you still open? I really want to buy the glass rose!"

"Ah, a customer of taste." I responded, giving her a grin. "Why exactly are you buying? Many people don't like to purchase my more expensive items."

The glass object was 30 snails, while my other trinkets ranged $5 - $20.

"There's this girl and I really want to be her friend but she doesn't like me very much because I'm human and-" She rushed out.

"Human?" I cut her off. "Sorry to interrupt, but you're the human girl?"

"Oh, yes! I am! Luz Noceda."

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I responded. I took the glass rose off a shelf and packaged it carefully, handing it to her. "15 snails, please."

"Are you sure? The tag on the display said 30."

"Positive. I wouldn't want to charge so much from someone who genuinely seems sweet. I normally charge the rich snobs a full price." I whispered the last part to her, making us share a small snicker.

She paid gratefully and waved as she walked off.

I closed down my shop and trudged home.

As I got inside, I undisguised my staff and let my friend sit live on it.

"Ready for another night as (P/N-N)?" I asked them, seeing their face light up and nod. "Good."

I cleaned up my market stuff and threw my cloak back on, securing it against my body. I hopped on my cane and flew out of the woods.

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