Furious Six VS Tai Lung

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"Almost there guys." Alexis says as the group soon arrives at the rope bridges and sees Tai Lung as he then roars and begins running across the bridge.

"Cut it!" Tigress shouts as the group slashes the ropes before Tai Lung tries to jump to the edge only for tigress to jump and knock him back causing the group to quickly catch them both using the remnants of the rope bridge.

"Where's the Dragon Warrior?" Tai Lung asks.

"How do you know you're not looking at her?" Tigress asks before Tai Lung laughs.

"You think I'm a fool? I know you're not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire... that he's a warrior unlike anything the world has ever seen." Tai Lung says.

"Po!?" Monkey asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Monkey shh." Alexis says as she growls at Tai Lung.

"So that is his name... Po. Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!" Tai Lung shouts before Tigress begins fighting with him only for Tai Lung to soon get the upper hand on her.

"Tigress!" Alexis shouts as she rushes out to help only to get thrown back by Tai Lung.

"We've got this. Help them!" Monkey shouts as Crane and Viper hand their ropes to Monkey and Mantis before they run to help Alexis and Tigress only for it to not do much good.

"Monkey!" Viper shouts before Monkey quickly runs out to help and kicks Tai Lung into the slates before the group gets up and begins working together to fight Tai Lung.

"Mantis! Now!" Tigress shouts as the group works together to defeat Tai Lung by wrapping him into the ropes and letting him plummet down into the mist before the group lands back on the ground safely.

"Well that went better than expected." Alexis says as she smiles at the others before the group hear a crash behind them startling them and see Tai Lung standing behind them.

"Shifu taught you well... But he didn't teach you everything." Tai Lung says as he lunges toward the group.


"Guys? Guys! They're dead?! No, they're breathing! They're asleep?! No their eyes are open..." Po shouts as Crane later brings the stunned group over to him and Shifu in the courtyard after they were hit with a nerve attack.

"We were no match... for his nerve attack." Crane says as he pants.

"He has gotten stronger..." Shifu says as he uses pressure points on the group to free them from the attack.

"Who? Tai Lung? Stronger?" Po asks.

"I thought we could stop him." Tigress says ashamedly.

"He could have killed you." Shifu says.

"Why didn't he?" Mantis asks.

"Yeah. He had us. It doesn't make any sense." Alexis says.

"So you could come back and strike fear into our hearts. But it won't work." Shifu says.

"Uh it might... I mean a little. I'm pretty scared." Po says.

"You can defeat him panda!" Shifu says as he looks at Po.

"Are you kidding? If they can't... They're six masters. I'm just one me." Po says as he gestures to Alexis and the others.

"But you will have the one thing that no one else does." Shifu says as he gestures for the group to follow him.

I Found You Kung Fu Panda Po X OC AlexisKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat