Chapter 10

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(Sorry it's short, it's kind of a transition)

"DANIEL WHERE ON EARTH WERE YOU?!" My mum shouted pulling me into a hug.

"Park" I said flatly. "We were worried sick!" My mum was crying, so were Emily and Jack. "Sorry." I said, I walked into my room and slammed the door.

I finally came home after I pulled myself together at the park and phil kissed my forehead and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I laid down in bed and smiled. I felt so safe and warm in Phil's arms, and now that I was home, I felt cold and longed to see his cute little face.

It then dawned on me; I had a boyfriend. He's mine.. I'm... Gay. I freaked myself out thinking about my sexuality. Everything about kissing Phil felt right. Kissing Kate was probably as bad as licking an ash tray.

-//-(the next day after school)-//-

"So are we still going to that party?" Phil asked as we walked out of school.

"Um... I guess we could go." I shrugged.

"It'll be fun, bear!" Phil put his arm around my waist, I shrugged him off feeling self conscious.

"What was that?" Phil's eyes grew wide.

"We're too close to school.." I said quietly.

"So?" Phil pouted.

"I'm- I'm not ready f-for people t-t-to know yet... You know.. Ab-b-bout us" I stuttered.

"Oh.. It's okay Dan. I understand" Phil smiled patting me on the back.

"You're the best" I sighed in relief.

Phil laughed doing that little tongue-poke out-thing that he does and my heart turned to goo.

I unlocked the door to my house and let Phil go in before me.

"Hi Dan, hi Phil." My mum smiled. I ignored her and Phil smiled and waved, "Hello Alison"

"What time is the stupid party?" I asked leading Phil to my room and closing the door behind us

"7:00" Phil plopped down on my bed and I sat beside him.

"That's 3 hours from now." I said studying my hands.

"So how are we going to kill time" Phil laughed.

"We could build a skyscraper or make paper snowflakes" I laughed at myself.

"Or..." Phil smirked.

"Or..?" I turned to look at him.

"We could..." Phil's smirk got wider.

Phil then turned to face me and put his hands on my hips. I leaned in and let my lips hit his. Phil rubbed my chest and I held his face in my palms. The kiss became deep and passionate.

"You're fucking hot." I said flatly, flipping my hair. Phil giggled pulling me in again.

Honest to god I could have done that for hours when my little brother walked in.

"Dan...?!" Jack stood in the doorway stunned.

"Fuck" I jumped away from Phil, "Jack... You can't tell mum what you just saw." I started shaking.

"Why were you doing that to him?" Jack made a disgusted face.

"Jack.. Sit down." I sighed. Phil stared at the floor and stayed silent.

"Sometimes, you can be a boy.. And like a boy. And it's just the same as a girl.. Liking a boy.. Or a girl.. Liking a girl.. And you can't tell mom because- because, a guy liking a guy or-or a girl liking a girl.. People think it's bad. And it makes us guys.. That like other guys... Embarrassed. And it's not socially accepted.. And I would possibly get in trouble if mum found out that I liked Phil okay?" I put my arm around Phil while I talked. Jack smiled. "Okay.. But please don't tell mum that I broke her iPad- o-okay?" Jack said quietly. I held out my pinky and he shook it with his.

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