"I can't get comfortable." Perhaps if she sounded nonchalant about it, he would too.

"So you thought I would make a good pillow?"

"If you want me to stop, just say so. Otherwise, I would like to try and sleep now."

He said nothing. She adjusted her position on him, trying to find a comfortable place to lay. His body was lean, not much cushion for her head. After shifting once more she finally settled against his chest, her body burrowing into him.

It was nice, actually. He was warm and with the added heat from the blanket, she was finally getting comfortable. His breathing was even, the rising and falling of his chest calming her mind. He shifted once, leaning back further, allowing her to lay more flat against him. 

A content smile found its way to her as she closed her eyes. "Thanks for finding me."

He was silent. Then, "Go to sleep, Princess."

Something brushed softly against Elysia's cheek, causing her to stir. Her eyes opened slowly to dim lighting. It was foggy and damp, though she remained warm.

Her head still rest on Shade's chest, the thick fleece blanket wrapped over them both. She was comfortable and had no intention of moving.

Again she felt something brushing against her cheek. She realized it was Shade's fingertips.

"Wake up, Princess." He said softly, looking down at her.

She opened her eyes wider, reaching a hand to rub the sleep from them. As she did, she felt Shade move his arm from where it had been resting around her, helping to hold her body into his.

To her distress she realized her right leg was slung over his, her body curled into his side. Slowly, she slid her leg over until it was off from him.

He cleared his throat. Then sat up, forcing her to as well. All comfort was lost. The inevitable tasks of the day loomed overhead.

As the day went on, Shade surprised the Princess by initiating most of the conversation. It was always brief and usually unexpected. It would happen as they passed something Shade found particularly interesting in regards to survival skills. For instance, she learned the Turnalia Tree's branches always point north, but only the ones with blossoms on it. He also pointed out which plants were edible and which were poisonous and how to differentiate between the two. If she ever ran out of water, he taught her how to easily find a steady source of it. 

Once, they passed an iridescent snake and Shade informed her what to do if she was ever bitten by it. He taught her the names of the local birds by their sounds. She eagerly listened to each bit of information he chose to provide. In the time between talking points, she waited anxiously for more. It was nice being taught survival skills by an expert, and Elysia was honored he was even sharing them.

Though she hated to jinx it, she asked, "While I appreciate the lessons, I can't help but wonder why you're telling me all of this. Didn't you once say I would never need to defend myself because you would always be here? Do you plan on abandoning me?"

"No, I do not plan to abandon you, Princess. I merely wish to share with you some of the information I know about the world around us. If you would like, I can stop."

"I didn't ask you to stop," she responded quickly. "I was only curious as to why you thought I should know. I thought you might be quitting or something."

The Dragon Bond: Heirs of LyraWhere stories live. Discover now